Principal’s Meeting May 8 th 2014 Data Teams Needs Assessment
Steps of the Data Team Process Collect and chart data Analyze to prioritize Set SMART goals Select instructional strategies Determine results indicators Monitor and evaluate results
Steps of the Data Team Process 1. Chart Data: Data from formative and summative assessments. Assessments created by teacher teams are best. Collect and chart data Analyze to prioritize Set SMART goals Select instructional strategies Determine results indicators Monitor and evaluate results
Steps of the Data Team Process 2. Analyze Strengths and Obstacles: What is it that proficient students do well but many struggle with? What skills do we prioritize? Collect and chart data Analyze to prioritize Set SMART goals Select instructional strategies Determine results indicators Monitor and evaluate results
Steps of the Data Team Process 3. SMART Goals: Based on the strengths and obstacles, what must we (adults do) to move students forward. Collect and chart data Analyze to prioritize Set SMART goals Select instructional strategies Determine results indicators Monitor and evaluate results
Steps of the Data Team Process 4. Select Instructional Strategies: The most important step. This is the time when teachers talk about what they do to increase student achievement and performance. This is also the time when teachers share what they do well in terms of instruction. Collect and chart data Analyze to prioritize Set SMART goals Select instructional strategies Determine results indicators Monitor and evaluate results
Steps of the Data Team Process 5. Create results indicator: The final accountability statement (the commitment). What a leader should see on a walk through at some point. Collect and chart data Analyze to prioritize Set SMART goals Select instructional strategies Determine results indicators Monitor and evaluate results
Steps of the Data Team Process 6. Monitor and Evaluate Results: Members of the team provide and receive assistance in using the strategies as needed. Collaboratively decide on any necessary modifications. Collect and chart data Analyze to prioritize Set SMART goals Select instructional strategies Determine results indicators Monitor and evaluate results
Framework for Implementation
Leadership Leadership is about change – how to justify it, implement it, and maintain it. Creating the culture for Data Teams: Be Transparent. Inspire your staff. Build on Strengths.
Structure What is Needed for Effective Data Teams? Team Norms. Data Team Roles: Time Keeper. Recorder. Focus Monitor. Data Technician. Planning template/Structure.
Organization Horizontal and Vertical Data Team Configurations. Members of the team (Strategic). Allocation of Collaboration Time.
Communication How will the Data Teams communicate with administration about progress, success, challenges, etc. How will administration monitor the progress/actions of the Data Team and communicate feedback regarding their strengths and next steps as a team.
4 Corners Activity Where are you at with implementing Data Teams on your campus: Parking Lot (No Where). Dirt Road (Starting to move with a few people). Free Way (Gaining traction with several people). Autobahn (80% of your staff is on board and implementing).
Data Teams Assessment Survey Monkey Attach Link.
Alternate Animated Content Page Tip: You can delete this text and put your own in over top of it.
PowerPoint 2010 & 2007* and PowerPoint 2008 & 2011 (Mac)** Cross-Platform Compatibility Use this template in either PowerPoint 2007 or 2010 for the PC or PowerPoint 2008 or for Mac. Presentations saved from this template in.PPTX format will work in PowerPoint 2007, 2008(Mac), 2010, 2011(Mac). Presentations saved in.PPT format will work in all versions of PowerPoint ‘97 through But.PPT files will no longer contain the video animation. **PowerPoint 2008 and If the video animation is not playing on a Mac computer you are missing a required plug-in for QuickTime. Flip4Mac is a WMV video plug-in for Quicktime. It is a free plug-in distributed by Microsoft. Get the Plug-in here. *PowerPoint 2007 If the video is not playing with PowerPoint 2007 you are missing a required update from Microsoft. The Office 2007 Service Pack 2 installs automatically with Windows Update. You can also download the update manually from Microsoft here.
Animated or Static? You can change between static and animated layouts by clicking on the Layout tab in the HOME menu on the ribbon. For example this slide uses the static layout.
Useful Images and Icons
Bulleted Content Page This Layout Page has bullets And Indented Levels Level 3 Text Placeholder Level 4 Place Holder Level 5 Place Holder
Discussion Item Three – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here Discussion Item One – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here Discussion Item Two – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here Discussion Item Four – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here Agenda or Summary Layout Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4
Bar Graph Page Layout Here is the description of the graph. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 97 – Here is some more text. You may delete the graphical elements.
Bar Graph Page Layout Here is the description of the graph. This chart is enhanced with features from PowerPoint 2007 or higher. Here is some more text. You may delete the graphical elements.
Sample Table Layout Here is the description of the graph. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 97 – Here is some more text. You may delete the graphical elements. Geographic Region Q1Q2Q3 United States1254 Europe and Asia324 Australia32 South America222 Canada111 Mexico111 TOTALS1614
Comparison Page Your Sub Title Here This is a place holder for item one. Item one can be text, a picture, graph, table, etc. Your Sub Title Here All the graphical elements can be moved, copied, or deleted from the slide master view.
Example Pie Graph This is a PowerPoint 2007 or higher enhanced graph. You may change this graph as you wish. This chart utilizes features available in PowerPoint 2007 or higher.
Example Pie Graph This is a PowerPoint 97 higher compatible graph. You may change this graph as you wish. This chart can be modified in all versions of PowerPoint.
Smart Art Page Layout Second level of text here You can remove the image. Another Point Here And Another This chart utilizes Smart Art which is feature in PowerPoint 2007 or higher. If you wish to make charts like this and don’t have PPT 2007, we have provided the graphical elements to help you build this yourself.
Smart Art Page Layout Step 1 Add Supporting Text Here. You can change this layout by selecting different SmartArt options. Step 2 Add Supporting Text Here. You can change this layout by selecting different SmartArt options. This chart utilizes Smart Art which is feature in PowerPoint 2007 or higher. If you wish to make charts like this and don’t have PPT 2007, we have provided the graphical elements to help you build this yourself.
Picture Layout You can add a description of the picture here. In PPT 2007 or newer, this is a custom layout and can be modified under the slide master view.
QUICK FACT A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. QUICK FACT A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. A Two Column Page Layout
A description of the first picture. You may change this text. A description of the second picture. You may change this text. A description of the third picture. You may change this text. Three Picture Page Layout
A placeholder for the 2nd picture More information can be added here by changing this text. A placeholder for the 1st picture More information can be added here by changing this text. Two Picture Page Layout 4416 S. Technology Dr Sioux Falls, SD (605) Questions? Comments? We are happy to help you!