Effective Meetings
Agenda The importance of effective meetings The effective-meeting process: Before meetings (Plan) During meetings (Do) After meetings (Review) A checklist to review meeting effectiveness
When Is a Meeting Effective? A meeting is effective when it achieves its objectives in a minimum amount of time to the satisfaction of the participants.
Effective meetings are managed events – The Key Message Effective meetings are managed events – they don’t just happen. As you can tell by the lists we’ve just generated (refer back to lists generated during objectives; page #1), a lot of things that went right occurred because they were planned that way. For those meetings or situations that weren’t effective, how many could either have been avoided or resulted differently had planning occurred . . . ?
Steps to an Effective Meeting Establish the need (why) Set a clear agenda (what and how) Arrange logistics (where and when) Define roles and responsibilities (who) Pre-position key contributions Identify and overcome barriers Plan Follow the agenda Record group thinking Practice good meeting behaviors Enact meeting roles Identify next steps Note benefits and concerns Do Effective meetings don’t just happen. The leader and facilitator PLAN them carefully, DO (or execute) them skillfully, and REVIEW their results Evaluate effectiveness Circulate meeting summary Follow up on next steps Incorporate benefits and concerns into next meeting plan Review
Planning Planning should take the most effort in order to maximize the effectiveness of the meeting.
We Participate in all Types of Meetings Presenting Facilitating Lecture/Presentation 20% 80% Do we really need to meet or can we do this without a meeting? 50% 50% 80% Discussion/Decision 20% One-way information sharing meetings, briefings Project updates, management reviews Staff meetings, standing committee meetings Decision-oriented meetings, problem-solving meetings, task force meetings, team meetings, project team meetings, focus groups Source: How to Lead Work Teams: Facilitation Skills, Fran Rees.
Good Reasons to Meet Require the Interaction of Multiple People To share different perspectives and gain understanding To brainstorm and further develop ideas To make decisions To develop action plans To explain and clarify complicated information To achieve consensus There are, obviously, many good reasons to meet. To clarify information—to resolve any conflicting opinions on meanings or intentions of decisions or information. To develop ideas—to utilize resources and backgrounds of those present to develop ideas. To make decisions—to bring together the necessary parties in order to make a decision. To delegate work or authority—good forum to get the decision makers or implementators sold on ideas.
The Not-So-Good Reasons Why We Meet Simply because the meeting is being held Because that’s what teams do To share risk and avoid responsibility To share information To wordsmith mission statements, etc. To be participatory To follow up on actions Because your presence is mandated NO Refer to introductory exercise that identified “hidden reasons” why we meet There are many reasons why people have meetings. Some of the “hidden,” not- so-good reasons include: To avoid work—you can’t be expected to perform other tasks while you’re in a meeting. To share risk—we can dilute our responsibilities for a decision by saying it was the group’s decision. To share information—this can be a good reason, but can also be a case when a written document might be better than calling a group together. To be participatory—a well-run meeting is a great forum for getting group participation and building a sense of team, but recognize that there are many other ways to encourage team participation—you don’t always have to meet to get the team involved. Because it’s there—meeting for the sake of meeting; “We always meet on Monday.” Because It’s mandated—staff meetings are a typical example. What are some of the “hidden” reasons for meetings in this organization? Think about the ones you’ve attended that weren’t really necessary. Brief open discussion . Consider Saying “NO” If there is no good reason to meet, find another way to achieve your objective
Seven Basic Steps For Planning a Meeting Assigning and agreeing roles in advance helps with attendance 1. Decide precisely what you want to accomplish during the meeting – a decision, a plan, alternatives, understanding? 2. Determine who needs to attend and who can be copied on meeting minutes. Plan roles for the attendees in advance. 3. Plan the content of the meeting — the agenda — and the frequency and duration needed. 4. Plan how you will present each part of the agenda for maximum effectiveness. Consider your outcome and determine the methods and environment that best supports it. I prefer longer meetings that meet less frequently How will decisions be made? Voting? Consensus?
Seven Basic Steps for Planning a Meeting (continued) 5. Plan what you will do after the meeting or between meetings to be effective and to make progress like status updates, teleconferences, sub-teams. 6. Plan how you will evaluate the meeting — as it is taking place and afterward. 7. Reach agreement on meeting agenda, issues, and materials with key participants, sponsors, and resources prior to the meeting in order to proactively set expectations, build commitment, and resolve issues. Setting up sub-teams and progress status reporting outside meetings saves meeting time for group issues
Guidelines for an Effective Agenda Identify the time, date, place, and participants Describe your objective Tell the participants how to prepare Set time limits on topics Ensure enough time for a proper discussion Schedule items in order of importance Distribute in advance
Anticipate and Overcome Barriers Barriers may include: Uninformed participants Uncooperative participants Lack of authority to accomplish objective Unresolved conflicts between participants Solutions may include: Disseminating information prior to meeting Proactively working conflicts prior to meeting Setting a more limited objective Deciding not to meet
Plan Which Materials You Will Need Before the Meeting . . . Prepare strawmodel documents for the attendees to review Gather materials you will need in the meeting Slides – Flip charts Handouts – Markers Tape – Previous meeting’s next steps and minutes Secure meeting room and equipment Arrive early enough to make certain the room is prepared before meeting participants arrive Post ground rules and other relevant materials on walls Bring drafts of documents to work on like charters, mission statements, etc. Do not start with blank pages. If needed, commission a sub-team to write drafts.
Establish Ground Rules with Your Team at the Start Be on time – within 5 minutes of start No distractions – phone, blackberry One meeting, no side conversations Limit anecdotes No blaming or cya Be respectful Be candid Everyone gets a turn Help clean up Team vynamics – whereby two or three team members vie to dominate the meeting conversation 1. Look for faults in others 2. Lob “grenades” 3. Ramble 4. Come with hidden agendas 5. Allow two meetings at the same time 6. Pass notes 7. Violate time contracts 8. Set up “lose-lose” situations Ground Rules
Doing is easy after all the planning.
Meeting Roles: Leader “Owns” the meeting and sets the objectives Guides the content of the meeting (Are we meeting objectives?) Determines the participants and assigns roles Develops the agenda Provides support, information, and resources Sets the tone, expectations, and direction Encourages creativity Makes decisions or determines how to make decisions The Team Leader is the person who called the meeting. With the facilitator, the leader sets the objective and establishes the agenda. The leader also determines who should participate in the meeting—the resources. The leader may also act as a liaison between this team and other groups; obtaining data, technical expertise, etc. The leader sets a positive, business-like tone for the meeting and creates an environment that encourages creativity and is conducive to success. The leader is the final decision maker, not only on the issues discussed in the meeting, but also on the meeting itself. For example, the leader may decide that an agenda item must be deferred because of missing information, etc. Depending on the leaders background, they may play the role of a resource. They may also act as the meeting facilitator
Meeting Roles: Facilitator Guides and monitors the process of the meeting (Is the meeting running well?) Makes it “safe” for everyone to participate Monitors time contract or uses time keeper Brings team back on-track when needed Helps headline and clarify ideas Aids team performance Provides feedback The facilitator is the keeper of the process. The person in this role is focused not on the specific content of the meeting (i.e., what is being discussed), but rather on the process of the meeting (i.e., how it is being discussed). It is often difficult to focus on content and process at the same time. That is why we have a dedicated facilitator when we are working complex or controversial issues. The facilitator makes it “safe” … he/she makes sure that everyone is allowed to participate, that no idea is discounted, etc. The facilitator harnesses creativity by stimulating, capturing, and synthesizing ideas. The facilitator also makes sure the agenda is being followed and the time contracts are met. When participants get off-track in their discussion, the facilitator brings the group back into focus without shutting down participation. Facilitators influence the content of the meetings in many ways through developing strawmodels, coaching leaders, assisting resources with their next step assignments, conducting analysis activities while in the meeting. The facilitator's role is a neutral one, focused on process. If however, the facilitator feels that providing content would be value added during the meeting a predetermined role switch indicator ( e.g., physically miming the removal of one hat and replacing with another to show stepping out of facilitator role and into resource role) should be done. There are many meetings that are relatively straightforward which the team leader will facilitate (staff meetings are an example). Sometimes the team leader will feel that he/she needs to focus on content and will ask a team member to facilitate. Sometimes—when the issue is very complex or controversial, the team leader will request a facilitator to focus on the “process” side of the meeting.
Meeting Roles: Scribe Documents everything noteworthy that occurs during the meeting, not just what was written on flipcharts: Attendance, date, objectives Ideas, discussion threads, parking lot items Outcomes – decisions, next steps What’s due for next meeting The facilitator is the keeper of the process. The person in this role is focused not on the specific content of the meeting (i.e., what is being discussed), but rather on the process of the meeting (i.e., how it is being discussed). It is often difficult to focus on content and process at the same time. That is why we have a dedicated facilitator when we are working complex or controversial issues. The facilitator makes it “safe” … he/she makes sure that everyone is allowed to participate, that no idea is discounted, etc. The facilitator harnesses creativity by stimulating, capturing, and synthesizing ideas. The facilitator also makes sure the agenda is being followed and the time contracts are met. When participants get off-track in their discussion, the facilitator brings the group back into focus without shutting down participation. Facilitators influence the content of the meetings in many ways through developing strawmodels, coaching leaders, assisting resources with their next step assignments, conducting analysis activities while in the meeting. The facilitator's role is a neutral one, focused on process. If however, the facilitator feels that providing content would be value added during the meeting a predetermined role switch indicator ( e.g., physically miming the removal of one hat and replacing with another to show stepping out of facilitator role and into resource role) should be done. There are many meetings that are relatively straightforward which the team leader will facilitate (staff meetings are an example). Sometimes the team leader will feel that he/she needs to focus on content and will ask a team member to facilitate. Sometimes—when the issue is very complex or controversial, the team leader will request a facilitator to focus on the “process” side of the meeting. The scribe ends up having the most power over the course of the meetings because what is documented is what gets enacted.
Meeting Roles: Time Keeper Monitors time contract Brings team back on-track when needed The facilitator is the keeper of the process. The person in this role is focused not on the specific content of the meeting (i.e., what is being discussed), but rather on the process of the meeting (i.e., how it is being discussed). It is often difficult to focus on content and process at the same time. That is why we have a dedicated facilitator when we are working complex or controversial issues. The facilitator makes it “safe” … he/she makes sure that everyone is allowed to participate, that no idea is discounted, etc. The facilitator harnesses creativity by stimulating, capturing, and synthesizing ideas. The facilitator also makes sure the agenda is being followed and the time contracts are met. When participants get off-track in their discussion, the facilitator brings the group back into focus without shutting down participation. Facilitators influence the content of the meetings in many ways through developing strawmodels, coaching leaders, assisting resources with their next step assignments, conducting analysis activities while in the meeting. The facilitator's role is a neutral one, focused on process. If however, the facilitator feels that providing content would be value added during the meeting a predetermined role switch indicator ( e.g., physically miming the removal of one hat and replacing with another to show stepping out of facilitator role and into resource role) should be done. There are many meetings that are relatively straightforward which the team leader will facilitate (staff meetings are an example). Sometimes the team leader will feel that he/she needs to focus on content and will ask a team member to facilitate. Sometimes—when the issue is very complex or controversial, the team leader will request a facilitator to focus on the “process” side of the meeting.
Meeting Roles: Resource Generates ideas and recommendations Adheres to the agenda Practices good meeting behaviors Enforces ground rules Completes assigned tasks Participates actively Giving everyone a specific role gives them more of a reason to attend and makes your meeting more effective. Consider assigning hats. While the team leader and facilitator have special responsibilities, the team members, or resources, are also responsible for the success of the meeting. All team members must: Contribute their ideas—they are valued resources; that’s why they are in the meeting. Adhere to the agenda—everyone has a personal responsibility
De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats The White Hat The White Hat calls for information known or needed. The Red Hat The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. The Black Hat The Black Hat is judgment -- the devil's advocate or why something may not work. The Yellow Hat The Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism and how things could work. The Green Hat The Green Hat focuses on creativity: the possibilities, alternatives and new ideas. The Blue Hat The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process.
Running the Meeting Allow time for chit chat Review the agenda Remind team of the ground rules Remind team of assigned roles Record open ideas and issues in “parking lot” to be addressed later Help participants turn ideas, issues, and concerns into action plans/next steps Manage the agenda and the time Record next steps and decisions Summarize the meeting results Evaluate the meeting before leaving
Tips for Improving Meeting Effectiveness Meeting Do’s Use headlining approach Help others headline ideas Be constructive Use the “how to” (H2) or I wish I knew …(IWIK) phrases Listen actively Paraphrase for understanding Observe time contract Use behavior enforcers, e.g. money pot Build on others’ ideas Use parking lots Use multiple note takers Set up “win-win” situations Remember, “No idea is a bad idea” Do benefits before concerns Rotate roles Ensure everyone contributes
Encourage Participation Through Hooks and Responses Let me build on that . . . What I hear you saying . . . What I like about that . . . How would we. . . Help me understand . . . I wish I knew what . . . Can you say more about that . . .
The Group Memory: Flipchart or LCD Recordings Helps the group focus Provides instant record of meeting content Encourages participation “Depersonalizes” ideas Increases sense of accomplishment Option: verbally idea generate as to why we use flipcharts to record meeting ideas. You may be uncomfortable with flipcharts initially, but from our experience we can tell you that they really increase meeting effectiveness by: Serving as a physical focal point which reemphasizes the topic being discussed. Providing an instant record—no need to record “minutes” separately. Encouraging participation—ideas are noted and given importance. “Depersonalizing” ideas—after several ideas have been recorded, any single idea loses the personality of the individual who offered it. This allows the group to focus on content rather than personality. Increasing the team’s sense of accomplishments—lists, decisions, next steps, etc.—enables team to see a tangible result. A misperception by many is that the person wielding
Leave Time at the End of the Meeting for Feedback Perform a process pro’s and cons or benefits and concerns: What went well? What should we improve for next time? Perform a content pro’s and cons or benefits and concerns: How well are we meeting our objectives? What do we need to do better? Assign roles for next meeting If you don’t do this your meetings will never get any better.
Reviewing The only way to improve meeting effectiveness is to evaluate it and determine what to do better.
After the Meeting Do Plan Review Review meeting benefits and concerns Solicit participants’ individual feedback on meeting Compare notes and prepare and distribute meeting minutes Follow up on Next Steps via email, phone, etc. Set up sub-teams to work on larger actions Issue progress reports Start planning the next meeting Do Plan Review
A Checklist Can Help Evaluate Meeting Effectiveness Activity 1. Was an agenda sent out ahead of time with minutes and any pre-reading? 2. Were objectives clear? 3. Were handouts and meeting aides prepared in advance? 4. Was the meeting room set up properly? 5. Did the meeting start on time? 6. Was the agenda followed? 7. Did participants understand what was expected of them during the meeting? 8. Did the meeting end on time? 9. Was there good participation in the meeting? 10. Were meeting roles followed? 11. Was the meeting summarized? 12. Were participants’ problems, concerns, and needs sought? 13. Were decisions made or action items assigned to resolve problems? 14. Were commitments asked for and made and documented? 15. Were follow-up reporting times established? 16. Did meeting leader practice good interpersonal skills: active listening, paraphrasing, and recognizing non-verbals Yes _____ _____ _____ No _____ _____ _____