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The Rules of Book Club 1.Everybody talks. 2.Everybody listens.
THE EXPECTATIONS OF BOOK CLUB Students will come prepared with their book, the sections/chapters read and reading journals completed. Students will fulfill their book club role with the best of their ability. Students will commit themselves to demonstrating discussion and group enhancements and avoiding inhibitors.
Book Club Roles Facilitator Not the “boss” Begins the discussion and is responsible for keeping the discussion going for the entire discussion period. Task Manager Responsible for kindly reminding members who have lost focus to come back to the task at hand. Reporter If called upon, the reporter will report the clubs thoughts and discussion during class discussion.
Book Club Roles Active listener Responsible for making sure that comments by club members are responded to Why do you think that? Where did you find that? What proof from the text do you have? Time Keeper Makes sure that all members have had an opportunity to share before time is up.
Book Club Observation Sheet Individual grade Group Grade Goal Comments Review of past club scores NameFinished log Shares ideas Listens & responds QuestionsOff –task Behavior & Inhibitors Facilitator Task Manager Reporter Active Listener Time Keeper