Meditating on the Universe A Prayer Song
an eastwind production Meditating on the Universe A Prayer Song
Cyber Healing Center Volume 9
Cyber Healing Center Volume 9 music ateneo university glee club the prayer images courtesy of NASA The Hubble Heritage Team Google Earth
Elliptical Galaxy NGC 1316
in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things came to be through Him which was Life, the Light of the human race john 1:1-4 Elliptical Galaxy NGC 1316
Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1300
the Light glowed in the darkness and the darkness could not overcome the Light He came to what was His own but His own did not accept Him and the Word was made flesh and He lived among us john 1:5-14 Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1300
Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1672 Spiral Galaxies NGC 4414 & M81 Sombrero Galaxy M104 Edge-On Lenticular Galaxy NGC 5866
oh Lord of the universe Creator of billions of galaxies nurturing trillions of stars we bow in wonder and awe at Your greatness and grandeur eastwind Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1672 Spiral Galaxies NGC 4414 & M81 Sombrero Galaxy M104 Edge-On Lenticular Galaxy NGC 5866
Dumbbell Nebula M27
for us who watch in awe all this beauty and grandeur are but a tiny reflection of Your limitless Love eastwind Dumbbell Nebula M27
Whirlpool Galaxy M51
at the center of every galaxy is a super-black hole that holds in its grip billions of orbiting stars attempting to break away You are the black hole, Lord we are Your stars Whirlpool Galaxy M51 eastwind
Eagle Nebula M16
we are just beginning to understand the mystery of Your universe, Lord with our puny instruments at every spectacle we discover we discern Your wisdom and power eastwind Eagle Nebula M16
Star-Forming Region LH95 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
when we contemplate on Your vastness, Lord we understand how You fill our smallness eastwind Star-Forming Region LH95 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Supernova Remnant SN 1006
the universe is full of violence and serenity of exploding stars and silent nebulas all proclaiming You Lord, their Maker and Keeper Supernova Remnant SN 1006 eastwind
Supernova Remnant LMC N 63A
the birth of consciousness is a supernova man’s self-awareness is a cosmic explosion echoing across the universe in that cosmic blast, self-awareness expands to an understanding of his Creator Lord of all that was, is and will be Supernova Remnant LMC N 63A eastwind
Ring Galaxy AM
if i were a free spirit that can hurtle at the speed of light and visit every galaxy i would kneel at every turn in praise of Your goodness Ring Galaxy AM eastwind