To 160 th Ave Church of Christ 160thavechurch.c om.


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Presentation transcript:

To 160 th Ave Church of Christ 160thavechurch.c om

Christmas An exciting time for many –“the most wonderful time of the year A difficult time for some –A lonely time For Christians, a confusing time –“Jesus is the reason for the season” –“keep Christ in Christmas” –Nativity scenes and plays

Misconceptions about Christmas The birth of Christ Meaning of Christmas Celebration of Christmas

Misconceptions: The Birth of Jesus Story typically told: –2000 years ago, Dec. 25 th –Mary rides into Bethlehem on a donkey –Mary urgently needs to give birth –The inn keepers turn them away –Mary gives birth in a stable –An angel appears to shepherds –3 wise men come on donkeys and worship Jesus

What the Bible Says: Luke 2:3-7, 11 No mention of how they came in No mention of when they came in No mention of an inn keeper that sends them away –More likely that they would have stayed with relatives rather than a Bible times motel/hotel –Greek word:κατάλυμα can refer to “inn” (Luke 2:7) or “guest room” or “lodging place” (Mark 14:14; Luke 22:11).

What the Bible Says: Luke 2: No Mention of 3 specific wise men. –Nothing about kings –No names given. No Mention of the date –Probably not in Dec. –Not likely due to shepherds out herding –Not a likely time for a census –A more likely time period of August/Sept. –WE DON’T KNOW A SPECIFIC DATE!!!!

Misconceptions: The Meaning of Christmas Many view it as a “holy day” –The Word “Christmas” is not in the Bible Many ancients mid-winter festivals were practiced before Christ’s birth. –Mesopotamian 12 day festival –The purpose of honoring pagan gods. –Many cultures practiced similar festivals. Romans Egyptians Chinese In 325 AD Christmas was created to counter pagan festivals –Did not have to do with Christ’s birthday. –Not a holy day given by God.

Misconceptions: The Meaning of Christmas Many view it as a time when Jesus is “re- sacrificed” in the observance of the Lord’s Supper –Christmas= “Christ” and “Mass” –Performed in the commemoration of the birth of Christ What the Bible teaches: –No mention of this in scripture –Heb. 9:22; 10:26 –Instruction/Example of celebration of Christ’s death (1 Cor. 11; Acts 20:7)

Misconceptions: The Celebration of Christmas “it is sinful to celebrate Christmas” –The Bible does not tell us to celebrate Christmas as a religious observance. There is nothing wrong with enjoying this as a secular holiday. –Many traditions have nothing to do with Jesus’ birth. –These things are not religious and I’m not perpetuating religious error by participating in them.

Misconceptions: The Celebration of Christmas “It is wrong to celebrate because it has Catholic origin it perpetuates that error.” A few objection –It no longer refers to a Catholic mass –It refers to a holiday celebrated around the world. –Inconsistent to reject a holiday based on the origin of the word. Sunday (sacred day of the sun) Thursday (named for Thor)

Misconceptions: The Celebration of Christmas “it is wrong to have a tree, the Bible says so” Many passages offered are actually not references to Christmas trees at all. –Jer. 10:2-4 (a reference to idolatry- vs. 5)

Misconceptions: Celebration of Christmas “Why not celebrate the birth of Christ?” –This was a very important moment in history! –“I celebrate my birthday, why not celebrate one for Christ?” God did not tell us to! –Bible authority/Silence of the Scriptures Biblical principle Deut. 4:2; 12:29; Rev. 22:18-19 –We know the mind of God by what he says 1 Cor. 2:10, 11; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Isa. 55:8-9;

Jesus is the Reason For salvation For the hope of heaven That life is worth living