CS Concepts of Programming Languages Misc Topics
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages2 Using Language Create the artifact - source code Translate the artifact - object code Use the Translation - run the program This model has many variations...
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages3 C++.cpp File CompilerLinker.obj File.exe File
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages4 Basic.bas File Interpreter
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages5 HTML.html File Browser
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages6 Java.java File Compiler Bytecode Interpreter.byte code File
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages7 It’s not always clean....c File CompilerLinker.obj File.exe File Assembler.asm File
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages8 If Languages were Cars Assembler –A Formula I race car. Vary fast but difficult to drive and expensive to maintain FORTRAN II –A Model T Ford. Once it was king of the road FORTRAN IV –A Model A Ford. FORTRAN 77 –A six-cylinder Ford Fairlane with standard transmission and no seat belts.
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages9 If Languages were Cars COBOL –A delivery van. It's bulky and ugly, but gets the job done. BASIC –A second-hand Rambler with a rebuilt engine and patched upholstery. Your dad bought it for you to learn to drive. You'll ditch it as soon as you can afford a new car.
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages10 If Languages were Cars PL/I –A Cadillac convertible with automatic transmission, a two-tone paint job, white-wall tires, chrome exhaust pipes and fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror. C –A black Firebird, the all-macho car. Optional seat belts (lint) and optional fuzz buster (escape to assembler).
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages11 If Languages were Cars ALGOL 60 –An Austin Mini. Boy, that's a small car. Pascal –A Volkswagen Beetle. Small but sturdy. Once popular with intellectuals. LISP –An electric car. Simple but slow. Seat belts not available.
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages12 If Languages were Cars APL –A double-decker bus. It takes rows and columns of passengers to the same place all at the same time. But, it drives only in reverse gear and is instrumented in Greek. Ada –An army-green Mercedes Benz staff car. Power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission. No other colors or options available. If it's good enough for the generals, it's good enough for you.
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages13 Language Parenting C treats you like a consenting adult Pascal treats you like a naughty child Ada treats you like a criminal Bruce Powel Douglass Real-time UML, AW 1998
Spring 2002UCCS CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages14 Language Summary? Grand schemes and commercial failures have left persistent legacies: –ALGOL, PL/I, Ada Less original projects have produced commercial successes: –FORTRAN, C, C++, BASIC Small, enduring languages based on a single concept: –LISP, SmallTalk All-encompassing projects; everything for everybody: –PL/I, Ada, (C++)