OUR GROUP FOCUS COMPANY GOALS TACTICS 2 Keep it Short. Make it Measurable. Assign Accountabilities if You Can. 3 Always use ACTION Verbs when Writing Goals. “Organize& create” are better than “coordinate & leverage”. 4 Assign Accountability to More Than One Person if you Must. 5 A well-written goal: Improve recruitment pace and quality to achieve 5% vacancy 6 Don’t forget to delete these coaching tips. 1 Your First Goal is Typed in This Box by Clicking After the Number and Pressing Enter. Change font size as you see fit. Company Mission Statement Here Group: (Name of Group) Type your First Goal in this box. See next box for examples Show Demonstrable Improvement in Service Levels to Our Customers Equip Our People to Grow, Cooperate, Contribute and Embrace a culture of Respect for Diversity, Continual Renewal and the Ability to Adapt in the Digital Age Increase Levels of Performance and Service Measurably in All Departments Remember that There is no One-to-One Correspondence between these goals and your Group’s poimts of Focus If you have got more than 6 or 7 Tactics for a major goal, you may need to simplify. Change the font size as you need to. Big question is: Do these goals and tactics help achieve the company goals? Well, do they? Imagine your team members reading this document. How will you explain it to them? Don’t worry if you go beyond the bottom of the page. Let your printer do the working for now. An example of a well written tactic is next Train senior managers in the new recruitment process (GG by 06/00) See how the action verb, the assignment of accountability and time scale all add to the clarity. Remember that others will read this, so keep it straightforward. Don’t worry if you miss people out. Good idea to use the Zoom feature when typing this small - depends on your age! Ask yourself if these Tactics are complete, i.e., do they comprise all we must do to achieve the goal above for our Group. Focus until it hurts. Many people prepare a strawman of their goals and then ask their team to help them create the final version. Many team members then use this format for their own goal setting. This way we all stay aligned to the Company’s goals. Give it time to work. Don’t forget to enter the name of your Group in the box on the top left of the page. When you print this out, click Black and White in the Print Box. It is much quicker and keeps the colors out for the time being. If you need help call LEADERX or First Tactic described here for Goal 1 - just click and type then press return between tactics. Second Tactic is here for Goal 1 Try to add accountabilities at the Tactic level and timescales. Or joint accountabilities if it works for you and your team. Page 1
OUR FOCUS MEASURES Cut and Paste from the goals on the previous page so that they are in this line of boxes Group: (Name of Group) Sometimes you can’t measure achievement of the goal so you must look for a “surrogate” measure. For example, if your goals is to design many successful new products then you may not be able to measure the success of the product until it reaches the market in the distant future. However you could measure the output of focus groups which examined your product ideas instead. Try to get at least one measure which is monthly. Also, see if you can find at least two measures for each goal. Thinking about measurement is good leadership work. It causes us to become much clearer about what we really want to achieve. What we can see in our minds we can achieve in our lives. Don’t be afraid to go back and modify your goals so they are more measurable. If you get stuck call LEADERX or Don’t forget to enter the name of your Group in the box on the top left of the page. The measures for our first goals are inserted in here. The measures are your way of keeping track of progress towards your goal. Try to find measures that are quite frequent (monthly not annually). Page 2 COMPANY GOALS Company Mission Statement Here Copy and paste into these boxes from the previoss page 2435