Redesigning Biology Kathy Warner, Sharon Biederman and Chris Sax University of Maryland University College
BIOL 101 and 102 General Education Courses BIOL 101 – 3 credit (s.h.) survey course BIOL 102 – 1 credit (s.h.) lab course Offered in two formats Online Classes (82%) Face-to-face Classes (18 %) Core materials for Course Online modules developed by team at UMUC Commercially available hands-on lab kit and additional supplies
Reasons for the Redesign Both Courses are on UMUC’s “Top 20 list” First course High enrollment Low student completion/retention rates Variability of student experience and content Over 30 sections/semester Students may have different faculty and content for 101 and 102
Fully Online Model Greater percentage of students in online sections Fully online lab advantageous for student population Develop new model for university design of online courses
Elements of the Redesign Combine 2 courses, BIOL 101 and 102, into single 4 credit course, BIOL 103 Incorporate automated feedback and student feedback Add tiered levels of self-check activities and interactive learning objects Virtual lab activities with automated feedback will replace the commercial lab kit Alignment of the course with state and national scientific literacy standards
Alignment NCAT Principles Redesign the whole course Encourage active learning Individualized Assistance Ongoing assessment and prompt feedback Monitor Student Progress Biology Redesign Convert 2 courses into one course Interactive learning objects and automated feedback Tiered levels of activities Automated grading of quizzes and labs Retention rates and final exam results
Impacts on Student Learning Final Exam Results Course Completion Rates Final Course Grades