Synergy a combined entity that has a value greater than the sum of its parts 1+1>2
Synergies Allow media conglomerates to cross-promote products Horizontal integration Movies, TV, Magazines, Music, Publishing, Internet, etc
Average American heard 42 mentions by time film opened Batman Synergy
GMA at Disney World (is this news?) Shrek ignored by Disney media Local news promotes network shows Late-night TV guests (e.g., Letterman – latest Survivor loser) Mel Gibson interviewed by Diane Sawyer
“Las Vegas” 10/10/05 Guest performance by Pussycat Dolls CD promotion at end of show
Las Vegas on NBC NBC owned by General Electric Pussycat Dolls’ record label is A&M A&M owned by Vivendi Universal General Electric owns 80% of NBC Universal (Universal entertainment holdings)
More synergy Bangles featured on Gilmore Girls GG on the WB WB owned by Time Warner Bangles on Columbia records Columbia House records owned in part by Time Warner
Smallville featured Depeche Mode on this season’s premier Smallville on the WB Depeche Mode on Reprise label Reprise label owned by Warner Bros.
How do synergistic practices by media corporations affect you, the consumer?