CODESPRINT Oct CERN Todd Vision, Dryad, Simeon Warner, arXiv,
Goals Demonstrate the potential of the identifier “awareness layer” Engage with stakeholders and empower them to take advantage of emergent infrastructure Collaboratively explore capabilities, gaps, opportunities
Participants ODIN partners (CERN, BL, DataCite, ORCID-EU, ANDS, arXiv, Dryad) Other stakeholder developers, including the winners of the May 2013 ORCID Codefest Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran (ISA-Tools, Oxford U.) Roy Boverhof (Reed Elsevier)
Process Gathered ideas beforehand and on the first morning Discussed and voted with our feet on a small number of projects
Projects 1.Embedding all my ORCID-claimed works (including data) on a webpage 2.ODIN’s HAMR (Human/Authority Metadata Reconciliation) 3.ORCID UNION for data 4.DataCite metadata form with ORCID support Common thread: Use of the open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for ORCID & DataCite Client API
1. Embedding all my ORCID-claimed works (including data) on a webpage People: Roy Boverhof Tom Demaranville Nikolaos Kalodimas Gudmunder Thorisson Simeon Warner Multiple implementations feed-js
Bridging metadata silos 24,452 DataCite DOIs w/ ≥1 ORCID 28,987 CrossRef DOIs w/ ≥1 ORCID 1,267,083 works w/ DOIs known to ORCID (~930,000 public) Imperfect overlap among them
2. ODIN‘s HAMR (Human/Authority Metadata Reconciliation ) Demonstrates how a data centre can add ORCIDs to works in their own systems (and push those ORCIDs to DataCite) as researchers claim their works in the ORCID system. People: John Kaye and Ryan Scherle
2. ODIN‘s HAMR (Human/Authority Metadata Reconciliation )
2. ODIN‘s HAMR 15,491 authors in Dryad 9 authors have claimed Dryad data in ORCID (so far) 496 claimed author-work links found by HAMR (includes claims of either article or data) Covers 441 out of 4,132 data packages in Dryad (10.7%)
3. ORCID Union for data People: Stefano Bortoli, Jan Dvorak, Alejandra González-Beltrán, Todd Vision
3. ORCID Union for data An example person lookup in OKKAM’s Entity Name System Can be used to de-silo the links between an ORCID and a person’s works across multiple sources
4. DataCite metadata form with ORCID lookup Motivation Implement lookup of ORCIDs for DataCite Provide a reusable lookup component People: Amir Aryani and Sebastian Peters Built on An entry form developed by Marcin Paluch for DataCite Canada An ORCID widget developed by ANDS GitHub code and a demo:
A sprint, not a marathon
Thanks Organizers: Laura Rueda Garcia & Sunje Dallmeier-Tiessen Getting the word out: Amir Aryani, Martin Fenner, Laure Haak, John Kaye, Neli Zhivkova Ivanova, Gudmundur Thorisson CERN: for hosting, and for wonderful tours of the facility Funding: European Commission FP7 Programme