Mathematical Modeling of the Life Cycle of Toxoplasma gondii A Sullivan, W Jiang, F Agusto, S Bewick, C Su, M Gilchrist, M Turner, and X Zhao 1
Agent-Based Model for Transmission Dynamics Compartment Model for Stage Conversion Future Work 2 Outline
A Prototype Agent-Based Model for the Transmission Dynamics of Toxoplasma gondii 3
Life cycle of T. gondii. Sibley and Ajioka, Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2008;62: What is Toxoplasma gondii ? Cause life-threatening disease in AIDS and cancer patients, recipients of organ transplants and fetus Cause infection in all warm-blooded vertebrates
Can Toxoplasma gondii change the world? Change mice behavior Imprudent attraction to cats ( Torrey et al., 2006; Flegr et al., 2003; Webster et al., 2006 ) Ensuring the completion of the life cycle of T. gondii Cause long-term personality change in humans Higher guilt proneness, more self-doubting ( Webster, 2001 ) Is variation in culture ultimately be related to how climate affects the distribution of T. gondii? ( Lafferty, 2006 )
Models of T. gondii Transmission Differential/ difference equation models Mateus-Pinilla et al., 2002 ; Trejos and Duarte, 2005 ; Aranda et al., 2008; Gonzalez-Parra et al., 2009; Arenas et al., 2010; Lelu et al Agent-based Model on a farm Small population sizes Inherent stochasticity Emergent properties
Problem Description Schematic of the transmission routes of T. gondii; figure edited from Jone et al., Am. Fam. Physician. 2003;67:
ABM of Toxoplasma in a Farm catmouse oocyst clean cell contaminated cell Sketch of ABM of Toxoplasma in a cat-mouse-environment system Agents cat (susceptible, infected or immuned) mouse (susceptible, infected or immuned) Environment cell (contaminated or clean) 8
Agents Cats ( Griffin, 2001 ) Mice Cells Contaminated or clean Contain detectable oocysts or not 9 weaningmature × 365 Age (days) weaningmature Age (days) × 365
Birth and Death Birth rate Breeding female cats gave birth to an average of 7.1 kittens per year ( Warner, 1995 ) Annual rhythms Natural death rate Age ( Warner, 1995 ) Carrying capacity b1b1 b2b2 b2b2 Cat: b 1 = 5.6/365, b 2 = 1.4/365; Mouse: b 1 = 40/365, b 2 = 10/365.
Predator Prey Rule Random walk rule Post-weaning cats or mice Max_step_cat = 5 and max_step_mouse = 1 Predator prey rule
Population Dynamics 12
Oocyst Shedding & Decay Rule Latent: 3 days for primary and 7 days for secondary Recovery: 17 days Oocyst spread time: 2 weeks for primary infection; 10 days for secondary infection Amount: 20×10 6 units of oocysts are excreted per day during primary infection and less during secondary infection (1×10 6 units) Decay: oocyst can survive 26 or 52 weeks in outdoor environment detection threshold 2000 units, time constant 20 or 40 days 13
Infection Rule (I) Cats Mice 14 latentrecovery (chronic infection) 0317 Infected Days recovery(chronic infection) Infected Days recovery(chronic infection) 0710 Infected Days infection latent infection
Infection Rule(II) Infection by Oocyst Contact risk A f =2×10 6. Infection probability when contacted: Cats (p 0 =2.5%) and mice (p 0 =25%) Infection risk Average infection risk of the farm 15
Infection Rule(III) Infection by tissue cysts Cat gets infected from eating mouse (Dubey) after the latent period of mouse: 100% before latent: certain probability t: how long the mouse has been infected 16
Infection Rule(IV) Secondary infection (Dubey) After the initial infection: very low before 6 years and 50% chance after 6 years Vertical transmission Mice (75%); none in cats Maternal immunity Cats (weaning period) 17
Virulence Rule Strain type Type I (high virulent) Type II (intermediate virulent) Produce 10 to 20 times more tissue cysts than type I and III (Suzuki and Joh) Type III (non virulent) More tissue cysts -> higher infection risk Relations between lethal rate (v) and transmission 18
Pseudo Code 19
Pseudo Code 20
Pseudo Code 21
Pseudo Code 22
Pseudo Code 23
Results under Nominal Parameters 24
Transmission Routes 26
Influence of Vertical Transmission
Influence of Latent Period 28
Influence of Prey Probability 29
Influence of Virulence and # of Mice 30
Possible prevention strategies Reduce the survival time of oocysts Mice elimination Role of mice in T. gondii transmission Pass disease to cats 95% of cats are infected through predation on infected mice Pass disease to the next generation of mice 80% of mice are infected through vertical transmission 31
Future Work Decision based on internal states and local interactions Cats and mice may adjust their activities according to their experience and sense of the environment Include human activities Vaccination of cats Mice elimination Pattern-oriented modeling Demographics of cats and mice 32
Future Work 33 Stochastic Dynamics Model
A Mathematical Model for Stage Conversion of Toxoplasma gondii 34
Scheme 36
Model 37
Simplification 38
Stability 39 Disease-free Equilibrium Endemic Equilibrium
Numerical Results 40
Numerical Results
Host-pathogen Interaction Compartment Model PDE model Individual-base Model
Host-pathogen Interaction
Future Work 45 More accurate description of within-host life cycle More detailed and accurate immune response Whole-body kinetics
Future Work 46
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