January Highlights Grapevine – Colleyville ISD
District Highlights GCISD starts the New Year with School Board Recognition Month The GCISD Board of Trustees was recognized at its January meeting in conjunction with School Board Recognition Month in Texas Board of Trustees Bottom row, left to right: Becky St. John, Charlie Warner and Lisa Pardo. Top row, left to right: Leon Leal, Karen Deakin, Superintendent Dr. Robin Ryan, Jorge Rodríguez and Jessie G. Rodríguez.
District Highlights GCISD’s Board of Trustees election has been set for May 12, 2012, with early voting April 30-May 8. Three- year terms expire for places 1 & 2 of the Board of Trustees. Charlie Warner serves in Place 1 and Becky St. John serves in Place 2. Candidates for the Board of Trustees may file for a place on the ballot February 4-March 5. Board candidate filing begins Feb. 4; election set for May 12
District Highlights Preliminary site construction has begun at three campuses as part of the GCISD 2011 Bond Program. At Bear Creek Elementary, planned work includes four new classrooms, renovation of Special Services classroom bathrooms and expansion of the clinic space. Colleyville Middle will have a new multipurpose room, configuration changes within the boys locker rooms, as well as elevator replacement and installation of new fire sprinklers. Silver Lake will receive a five classroom addition plus three additional resource rooms, two toilet rooms and a storage/electrical room. Bond update presented at January Board meeting
District Highlights Seven band students have been selected as members of the Texas Music Educators Association’s All-State Band and seven choir students have been named to the TMEA’s All-State Choir. Auditions were held at Abilene Christian University on Jan. 7 at the Area competition. The All-State students will attend clinics and perform a final concert in February in conjunction with the Texas Music Educator’s Association In-Service and Conference held in San Antonio in February. All-State Band and Choir members selected
District Highlights GHS Robotics team on its way to finals Grapevine Green robotics team from Grapevine High School earned first place in its challenge at the TCEA Robotics Competition held on Jan. 14 at Allen High School. Members of the first place team, Brendon Clevenger, Daniel Goodwin and Matthew Warren won first place in the Region 11 Course Challenge and will advance to the Texas Computer Education Association State Competition in April. GHS teacher Jim Faulkner is coach of the Green Team.
District Highlights Several students who participated in the PTA’s Reflections contest recently received good news, as 13 lucky winners will be moving on to the state competition in Austin. The Reflections contest is a fine arts competition that lets students showcase their skills through different art forms, including literature, musical composition, photography, visual arts, dance choreography and film/video. This year’s theme for Reflections was “Diversity Means…” Congratulations to these students and good luck in Austin! 2012 Reflections winners announced
District Highlights Upcoming holidays / breaks in the GCISD student calendar include: February 20—President’s Day Holiday February 21—Professional Learning Day / No school for students March 12-16—District Spring Break Student Holidays to Note