SHERLOCK HOLMES Representation and Institution
Sherlock Holmes, which was directed by Guy Ritchie known well for his action films i.e. ‘Rock n’ Rolla’. Sherlock Holmes was produced by Warner Bros and Silver Productions, these big companies meant that they had a big budget of $90,000,000. With this big budget they were able to get big actors for the film. These included ladies’ man Jude Law, upcoming A-list Rachel MacAdams and Robert Downey Jr who is continuing his comeback. The music of the trailer was done by Hans Zimmer a 3 time winning Oscar winning music producer In the Opening Weekend the film grossed: $62,304,277 (USA) (27 December 2009) (3626 Screens) The Total Gross: $209,019,489 (USA) (25 April 2010) Robert Downey JR and Jude Law got paid 9m dollars each for their roles in Sherlock Homes. INSTITUTION
SHERLOCK HOLMES PLAYED BY ROBERT DOWNEY JR. In Sherlock Holmes we see Robert Downey JR making his come back playing the lead role as Sherlock Holmes. In Sherlock Holmes the character ‘Holmes’ is portrayed as the hero in Propp’s character theory of representation. You can tell that he is the hero as he is given more speaking time than other characters and also he is given more onscreen action. In one scene we see a bare knuckle fight where we see in slow motion the power of Sherlock’s punch as you can see his muscle and he knocks his opponent to the ground. This shows his strength and power. The first action we see of our hero is when he dives out of a high building after a gun is fired. This is filmed in an extreme long shot to show the danger of his dive into the River below him. Sherlock also appears to be a calm hero as when he is told the world is going to end he says in a calm manner ‘We have no time to waste then do we?’ The fact that the world is going to end and it’s up to him to prevent this happening seems like a day-to-day job for Sherlock.
DR WATSON PLAYED BY JUDE LAW In Sherlock Holmes, lady’s man Jude Law plays the Sherlock’s helper, Watson. We know that he is Sherlock’s helper as we see him kicking a door down that Sherlock was having trouble opening with his keys. Sherlock then goes on to say ‘It is nice to have someone whom I can rely on’. There is also comedy in their relationship when Watson says ‘When do I complain’ then he goes on to list a few of Sherlock’s bad habits. Towards the end of the trailer there is a scene when the fast beating music stops and Sherlock says to Watson, ‘Watson what have you done?’ The music stops to show the intensity of the scene and its importance. It also creates enigma as the audience are left wondering what Watson has done and what the extent of his doings are. This leaves unanswered questions to the audiences therefore they are left wanting more.
IRENE ADLER PLAYED BY RACHEL MCCADAMS A-list celebrity Rachel MacAdams plays the ‘Princess’ role as character Irene Adler. Rachel MacAdams will bring in male audiences as she is good looking and also she will bring in the female audience as she has good fashion sense. Throughout the trailer Actions speak louder than words for our princess. She wears a red and black corset, and her lips are bright red. All this red is connoting danger as she could be using her body as a weapon and also it could be used to seduce someone. Adler is not Propp’s typical princess as she does not need a hero to save her. Infact there is a scene where she is fighting the hero, Sherlock Holmes. Adler pulls out a weapon which is disguised as a hair piece to defend herself, showing that she is cunning, prepared and not afraid to fight a man. Towards the end of the trailer there is a scene which brings in the Romantic loving audience as there is a scene where Adler kisses Holmes, the romance loving audience will be left wondering where the relationship will go and also wondering why she is kissing the man she was previously fighting.
LORD BLACKWOOD PLAYED BY MARK STRONG The next character in Propp’s theory is the villain; every hero has a villain that they need to defeat. In this case the villain is Lord Blackwood played by English actor Mark Strong. Staying true to his character’s surname he is a dark villain. The first scene Blackwood is in we see him in what looks like a dingy, dark prison cell, it is a close up of his face we see straight into his dark eyes, this creates tension for the audience as they are facing danger in the eyes. The music pauses to allow Blackwood to speak ‘ I have a request someone I want to see…Sherlock Holmes’. This shows the power and ability Blackwood has to offer. He will not be easy to defeat as in the trailer we hear an officer say ; lord Blackwood rose from the dead’.Sherlock Holmes has a tough challenge ahead of himself to try and defeat the supernatural.