Breakout Group Instructions Four Breakout Groups will meet for two sessions, allowing everyone to discuss two different topics (if desired). Transition from GOES to GOES-R Salon 4 Transition from POES to NPP/JPSS Main Conference Room – front left corner Satellite Services Main Conference Room – back right corner Frequency Issues Continental Room
Breakout Group Instructions 1.Debate in “GOOD FAITH” (listen, keep an open mind, avoid being judgmental, be flexible and willing to recognize other positions). 2.Abide by “RULES OF COMMON COURTESY” (do not interrupt others, over talk or use loud or inappropriate language). 3.Moderators will introduce the subject matter and goals for the group. 4.Moderators will facilitate discussion, keep members on subject, and ensure groups end on time. 5.Moderators, with the help of recorders, will capture all issues and recommendations proposed by the Breakout Group. 6.At the conclusion of the discussion, moderators will review the key issues and top recommendations, and ask clarifying questions as necessary. 7.Moderators and recorders will draft reports on the key issues discussed in both sessions, highlighting top recommendations in particular. 8.Moderators (or recorders) will present their reports at the full conference meeting on Friday morning.
Breakout Groups 3:45 p.m. to 4:35 p.m. 4:40 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Transition from GOES to GOES-R Salon 4 Transition from POES to NPP/JPSS Main Conference Room (front left corner) Satellite Services Main Conference Room (back right corner) Frequency Issues Continental Room (S. Rogerson, )
Breakout Group Instructions (for Moderators) Possible Format: ~5 minutes: Introductions, overview, goals ~10 minutes: “What should we keep doing?” (i.e., what is being done well &/or is very important?) ~20 minutes: “What should we do differently?” (i.e., what are key issues &/or top recommendations for improvement?) ~10 minutes: Clarifying questions, summarize discussion, capture key issues & top recommendations Deliverable: Short PowerPoint Presentation with key issues & top recommendations, including both “keep doing” and “do differently” highlights if possible. to by 11 p.m. on Thursday night (preferred) or provide on a USB drive by 8 a.m. Friday. See following slides for template.
Breakout Group Report for (name / topic) Slide 1: General Description Short, general description of the discussions. Provide an overview of how the breakout sessions went. Capture all issues and recommendations on the following slides, highlighting the key issues & top recommendations – which will be briefed on Friday morning. Please save presentations as: 9.2a_GOES 9.2b_POES 9.2c_Services 9.2d_Frequencies
Breakout Group Report for (name / topic) Slides 2-?: Key Issues and Top Recommendations Top (x) “Keep Doing” items: Top (y) Key Issues: Top (z) Recommendations: Use multiple slides as needed. Moderators & groups should decide how many of each to provide, how to order them, and exactly how to present them on Friday. The important thing is to capture the key issues & top recommendations here, which will be briefed on Friday. Please save presentations as: 9.2a_GOES 9.2b_POES 9.2c_Services 9.2d_Frequencies
Other Issues: Other Recommendations: Use multiple slides as needed. Moderators & groups should decide on the entire list. The important thing is to capture any other issues and recommendations, even if they are not briefed on Friday. Please save presentations as: 9.2a_GOES 9.2b_POES 9.2c_Services 9.2d_Frequencies Breakout Group Report for (name / topic) Slides ?-?: Other Issues/Recommendations