Oracle Trade Management
Agenda Oracle Trade Management Overview Customer Success Roadmap
Oracle Trade Management Overview
The Business of Trade Management Establishing Quotas Allocating Budgets Understanding The Impact Resolving Customer Issues Account Planning The Oracle 11i e-Business Suite delivers all the tools needed to help companies transition to become an e-Business. Oracle applications are 100% Internet based - which means that all you need to access the applications is a web browser on your desktop. But more importantly, the applications themselves have been developed with built-in support for all the new internet-enabled e-Business practices. The parts of this wheel in red, represent the Oracle Supply Chain product families. These are all the key operational systems in a company. Order Fulfillment is highlighted in larger case yellow. Lets drill down into Fulfillment now and see how Oracle can transform this critical business function. Manage Indirect Sales Channel Promotion Planning Compliance Monitoring Plan Execution
Trade Management’s Impact? WHY? Lack of Planning Eliminates Direction Poor Direction Prevents Measurement Lack of Measurement Reduces Analysis Reduced Analysis Eliminates Knowledge
Oracle Trade Management Functionality Key Account Management Integrated Promotion Execution Indirect Sales Processing Claims & Deductions Settlement Collaboration - Integration - Visibility Enterprise Integration Advanced Pricing Inventory Supply Chain Marketing Financials TCA
Key Account Management Process Budget Allocate sales volume by account/product Fund budgets for targeted use Execute Communicate plans to accounts Create & approve offer Apply to order management Budget Plan Execute Monitor Measure & Improve Sales Performance Plan Set & allocate sales budget Create account plan Forecast volume and ROI Monitor Monitor actual sales vs quota / target Monitor actual ROI Capture retail & competitive pricing Monitor retail performance
Sales Targets Need Solution Top down bottom up quota setting Automated, fact-based sales quota and target setting Solution Top down bottom up quota setting Allocation based on historical sales Monitor performance vs forecast Results Reduced time to allocate; setting equitable sales objectives
Budget Management Need Solution Results Flexible process to create and manage budgets and track liabilities Solution Fixed/Fully Accrued Budgets Fund Allocation and Budgeting based on Eligibility Adjustments – Automatic/Manual Results Target trade funds to specific products, regions, channels, geographies, & customers through Budget Eligibility Minimize financial risks through continuous tracking of fund balances
Account Manager Dashboard Need Sales force automation tool that provides account planning, monitoring, & analysis Solution Account planner Promotion evaluations Promotion forecasting Sales & order tracking Retail monitoring Results 360o view of customer Proactively manage expectations Increased sales efficiency and effectiveness
Account plan
Key Account Management Features Account Manager Dashboard Current Order Status Quota and Budget Allocation Sales Performance Analysis Evaluation of Offers Retail Monitoring Budget by Product, Brand, Customer, Territory Fixed Budgets Fully Accrued Budgets with Accrue to Customer or Sales Threshold to Monitor Usage Checkbook Views Drilldown to Orders from Checkbook View of Current and Potential Liabilities Promotional Accrual/Rebate Tracking General Ledger (GL) Integration for Accrual/Rebate Option to Post Off-Invoice Discounts to GL Account Generator Workflow
Integrated Promotion Execution Process Create Accruals & Off Invoice Volume offers Scan data Execute Validate eligibility Price sales orders Calculate accruals & discounts Financials Full accounting GL integration Create Approve Execute Track Financials Align, Automate, Analyze All Business Areas. Approve Approval routing Budget controls Track Track orders Monitor liabilities Manage expenditures
Trade Promotions Results Improve account and promotion profitability Need Ability for account managers to create effective and flexible promotions and track performance and ROI Solution Comprehensive Offer and Discounts Types Promotion Forecasting and Versioning Record and Track Customer Performance Commitments Checkbook Views of Promotional Spend Results Improve account and promotion profitability Minimize deductions and invoice errors Track liabilities in real-time
Promotion Execution OFFER TYPES Budgets Accounting General Ledger Off-invoice Accrual Terms Upgrade Promotional Goods Lump Sum Scan Data Volume Order Value Trade Deal Net Accrual Budgets Accounting General Ledger Order Management
Integrated Promotion Execution Features Offer Evaluator Offer Worksheet ROI Calculator Forecasting Oracle Integration Oracle Advanced Pricing Oracle Order Management Oracle General Ledger Oracle Receivables Oracle Payables Oracle Inventory Oracle Partner Relationship Management Oracle Marketing Historical Evaluation of Offers Budget Validation Volume Based Performance Validation Comprehensive Support for Promotion Types Off-Invoice Discount Volume Accrual/Rebate Lump Sum Payments Buy-One-Get-One-Free Net Sales Accrual Terms Upgrade Order Value Discount
Indirect Sales Management Process Import XML Gateway WebADI for flat files Validate & Compute Chargeback Special Pricing 3rd Party Accrual Price Difference Advanced WAC & Inventory Validations Monitor Generate outbound XML messages for disputes Allow re-submissions and corrections Monitor indirect inventory Cleanse Data Validate & Compute Import Pay Monitor Align POS Management with Other Enterprise Processes. Cleanse Data Check data completeness Map & convert distributor data to internal data structure DQM integration Pay Associate or create accruals Pay by check or credit
Indirect Sales Management Need Import & validate high volumes of complex indirect sales data Solution Import by XML or flatfile DQM integration Support of various processes Charge-backs Special pricing Third party accrual Price difference Results Reduced time & resources More accurate payments Providing solid data foundation for further analysis Superior support of the distribution channel DIRECT SALES INDIRECT SALES Manufacturer Distributor Retailer
Indirect Inventory Tracking Need Track inventory of customer / distributor to support business processes or analysis Solution Automated tracking of inventory in and inventory out Tracking by customer, product and time Flexible adjustments Results Reduced time & resources in tracking data Validate partner claims Providing solid data foundation for further analysis
Chargeback Processing Need Import & validate high volume of complex chargeback transaction data in managing distributors / wholesalers Solution Configurable price list to capture end customer agreements Buying group support WAC validation Inventory validation Results Reduced time & resources Validated calculations More accurate payments Manufacturer Distributor Retailer 2. Retailer buys at $60 3. Distributor Charges back $40 ($100-$60) 1. Manufacturer-Distributor Agreement $100 Manufacturer- Retailer Agreement- $60 1.
Manufacturer-Customer Distributor sells to Customer Third Party Accruals Manufacturer 2. Manufacturer-Customer Promotion 1. Distributor sells to Customer Distributor Customer
Indirect Sales Management Features POS Data Management Chargeback Submission Third Party (End Customer) Accrual Customer/Partner Inventory Tracking by Product and Time Price List Validations Customer and Product Eligibilities Effective Dates of Agreement Customer Invoices Acquisition Cost Customer Inventory Level Special Pricing (Ship & Debit) Validation Tolerance Threshold by Customer Duplicate Submission Checking Payment by Check or Credit Outbound Dispute Report Data Quality Management EDI and XML Data Support
Claim & Deduction Settlement Process Create AR integration for deduction / overpayment Claim / debit claim in TM Convert customer reason Research Promotional accrual search Duplicates & Splits Task template / notes / attachments 360 deg view of customer Resolve Settle by check, credit, debit, charge-back, write-off Adjust receipts & invoices Post to GL for promotional claims Create Assign Research Approve Resolve Monitor Days Outstanding, Analyze Root Causes. Assign Assign owner and team member by Territory – customer, geography, claim type / reason By API Approve Configurable approval rules
Claims and Deduction Management Need Minimize claims processing costs and increase customer satisfaction Solution Claim Types/Reasons Task Management Research Claim Aging Claim Splits Claims Settlement/Auto-resolution AR integration Results Best of breed auto-resolution Minimize the cost/ time required to clear deductions Identify invalid claims Reduce days outstanding Efficiently process promotional payments and deductions
Claim & Deduction Settlement Features Support for All Claims – Claim, Deduction, Debit Claim, Overpayment Full Deduction Management Payment of Promotional Claim and Deduction by Check or Credit Buying Group Accrual/Rebate View Deduction Settlement by Credit, Write-Off, Chargeback Automatic Write-Off Threshold by Customer Lockbox Integration Handling Subsequent Receipt for Invoices Autopay Netting of Overpayments and Deductions Customer Reason Code Mapping Mass Claim Settlement Pay over Earnings by Thresholds Promotional Payment/Customer Balance Summary View Related Customer Support
Oracle Trade Management Account Manager Dashboard Indirect Sales Management Claims & Deduction Settlement Sales Quota Management Budget Management Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Trade Management Customer Success
TM Customers in All But 2 Continents!
Oracle Trade Management Customers Total Customers: 61 By Region 51 North America 6 APAC 4 EMEA By Status 18 Planning 22 Implementing 21 Live
Oracle Trade Management Customers Total Customers: 61 By Industry 23 in Consumer Goods 15 in High Tech 14 in Industrial Mfg 5 in Life Sciences 2 in Automotive 2 in Utilities Automotive Utilities Life Sciences 3% 3% 8% Consumer High Tech Goods 25% 38% Industrial Manufacturing 23%
Oracle Trade Management Customers Consumer Goods Industry
Oracle Trade Management Customers High Tech Industry
Oracle Trade Management Customers Industrial Manufacturing Industry
Oracle Trade Management Customers Life Sciences Industry
Oracle Trade Management Live Customers Acco Brands Acuity Brands Lighting Alcoa/Alcoa Reynolds Anchor Hocking (GHP) Applica (Black and Decker) Arnott’s (Campbell Soup) Helen of Troy LeSaffre Yeast Corp Linksys Mattel MTN Novopharm Canada Schreiber Foods Teva Pharmaceutical Toshiba Australia Vtech Waterpik
Oracle Trade Management Recent Wins Al Jomiah Automotive Largest GM dealer in Middle East Toshiba America Consumer Products U.S. arm producing TVs, DVRs, DVD, home theater systems and other consumer electronics True Manufacturing Manufacturer of refrigeration products for food industry Vocollect Manufacturer of voice technology products Wyse Technology Network-centric computing hardware and software provider
Oracle Trade Management Recent Wins Zebra Technologies Delivers innovative and reliable on demand printing solutions Telik INC Biopharmaceutical company Finisar Corporation Technology leader for fiber optic subsystems and network performance test systems. Meguiars INC Manufacturer of quality surface care products.
Strategic Roadmap Pre-11i.9 11i.9 11i.10 Future Direction Optimize Promotions, Price and Product Mix Increase Sales Effectiveness and Efficiency Extend Trade Management capabilities to Indirect Sales Control Spending, increase Promotional ROI and Reduce Costs Pre-11i.9 11i.9 11i.10 Future Direction Budget Trade Planning Claims Indirect Sales (POS) Account Manager Dashboard Chargeback Advanced Analytics Category Mgmt Enhanced Indirect Sales Support
Key Takeaways True Sales Force Automation for iterative selling process Solution is more than just TPM Spans departments and user roles including marketing, sales, partner management, claim & deduction management, indirect sales management Winning competitive deals vs. ‘best of breed’ and suite players
Oracle Trade Management