ECE FPGA Design: Breakout Semester Project Proposal Derek Rose Richard Wunderlich
October 26, Project Description Classic Breakout game Pong-like arcade game from the late ‘70s Use the paddle to bounce the ball Hit the bricks with the ball to break through all of the rows
October 26, Hardware Spartan-3 Startup Kit Demo Board Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA Serial, VGA, PS/2, Expansion ports 2Mbit Flash 1Mbit SRAM Monitor Mouse
October 26, Requirements VGA interface Output playing field to monitor UART interface Control paddle with a mouse Switches and buttons Game Settings (# of players, etc.) Reset game LEDs Number of lives remaining 7-Segment LED display Players’ scores (if not on-screen)
October 26, System Overview BIST Test I/O functions Breakout Logic Control game External hardware Monitor Mouse