Simulation of Pillar Failure Using FRACOD 2D
Objective n To test the capability of FRACOD 2D in predicting failure of a pillar between two rock excavations
Main parameters n Failure criterion: Mohr-Coulomb n Tensile strength = 9MPa n Cohesion=17MPa n Friction angle rock =30º n K IC =1.46 MPa m 1/2 ; K IIC =6.53 K IC E=40GPa, =0.25 E=40GPa, =0.25 n Fracture contact properties: JKs=JKn=10e4GPa/m; friction angle=30 degrees, cohesion=0
Pillar width 10 m Excavation width 10 m 20 m S y =43MPa S X =18 MPa
Fracture initiation in shear
Tensional fracture propagation
Mixed mode fracture propagation
Fracture propagation mainly in shear
Maximum Displacement 11 mm
Maximum Displacement 12 mm
Maximum Displacement 13 mm
Maximum Displacement 14 mm