2 Miles/Initial 1 Mile Upwind Initial X wind 45 to Initial Downwind 53% pwr 200 KIAS 200 PCL 50-55% 1200’ Radar Initial N Cypress 36 PCL – Max till 200 KIAS 700’ till Xwind “Roll Pause Pwr Pull” 60º bank + 5% torque lake softball diamonds VFR Entry Breakout - Climb 500’ above pattern (1700’) -go to VFR entry - make call “ Peugeot # VFR entry” Cement Factory Pattern Priorities - Emergencies - Minimum fuel - Formation - In the pattern - Radar Entries Request Straight-In 5 miles Church Request Straight-In Bemiss Rd Cat Creek Rd Base 5 miles Request HIGH KEY PATTERN STATUS IFR Recoveries < 1500’ AGL – 3 nm Rest Pattern 1500’ AGL – 3 nm Pattern Dual 2100’ AGL – 3 nm Pattern Solo 2100’ AGL – 5 nm Uncontrolled Pattern 3000’ AGL – 5nm PATTERN ALTITUDES High Key 3200’ MSL Low Key 1700’ MSL Breakout 1700’ MSL Pattern 1200’ MSL Straight-In 700’ MSL Low Closed 700’ MSL Low Breakout 700’ MSL High School Descent point Breakout
2 Miles/Initial 1 Mile Upwind Initial X wind 45 to Initial Downwind 53% pwr 200 KIAS 200 PCL 50-55% 1200’ N Base Cypress 18R PCL – Max till 200 KIAS 700’ till Xwind “Roll Pause Pwr Pull” 60º bank + 5% torque lake T-barn VFR Entry Pt Breakout - Climb 500’ above pattern (1700’) -go to VFR entry - make call “ Peugeot # VFR entry” Swamp Tower Pattern Priorities - Emergencies - Minimum fuel - Formation - In the pattern - Radar Entries 5 miles Request Straight-In 5 miles Request Straight- In Request HIGH KEY PATTERN STATUS IFR Recoveries < 1500’ AGL – 3 nm Rest Pattern 1500’ AGL – 3 nm Pattern Dual 2100’ AGL – 3 nm Pattern Solo 2100’ AGL – 5 nm Uncontrolled Pattern 3000’ AGL – 5nm PATTERN ALTITUDES High Key 3200’ MSL Low Key 1700’ MSL Breakout 1700’ MSL Pattern 1200’ MSL Straight-In 700’ MSL Low Closed 700’ MSL Low Breakout 700’ MSL Descent point Breakout 1/2 mile rd. Ellipse Water Tower Green Lake House Tower Ray City Tower Hwy 37 X-Ray Cat Creek Rd Bemiss
Break Up to ’ down the runway Roll into desired bank 1000’ AGL 45º Perch – 1200’ Flaps as required Reduced power Final Turn ’ 110 KIAS Min KIAS No Flap T.O. Flap 110 Lndg Flap (no less than on-speed AOA indication) Inside Downwind Gear/flaps down ( below 150 KIAS) Abeam touchdown pt 120 KIAS (30% pwr) min Initial 200 KIAS Final – 200’ & 1/2 mile 100 KIAS LDG 105 KIAS TO 110 KIAS FLAPS UP Touch & Go PCL – Max Rotate – at rotation speed Do after takeoff checklist T-6 Overhead Pattern Level 60º turn Crack wings Set 20% pwr 300’ & ¾ mile 18% pwr LNDG flap 15% pwr T.O. flap 12% No flap LDNG/TO - 2/3 ground - 1/3 sky NF -½ ground -½ sky “Flaps, pitch, pwr, pull” N
High Key Harness locked Enter 3000’ AGL and 125 KIAS 1/3 down the runway Extend landing gear 120 KIAS min to Low Key PWR 4-6% Low Key 1500’ AGL Abeam touchdown pt Flaps as required 120 KIAS min Base Key ’ 120 KIAS Min Flaps as required Final 110 KIAS min Flaps as required Aim for touchdown at 1/3 pt Moody T-6 ELP Landing Gear Check 3 green before landing check complete 120 KIAS min into descent Flare PCL – idle to prevent ldng long N