TM Breakout Sessions Interactive and discussion-oriented Six major topic areas Sign up sheets Moderator designated for each session Recorder needed Discussion points presented to large group tomorrow
TM Common Issues Coordination and communication among jurisdictions and at different levels of public health Time and resource constraints Role of social networking Lessons learned
TM Detection and Analysis What detection and analysis methods are available and how are they similar or different? What types of events might they detect and why? What do monitors need to maintain a working knowledge about statistical algorithms? What epidemiologic analyses can or should follow the initial statistically significant anomaly notification? What is the appropriate geographic unit of analysis?
TM System Visualizations and Functionalities What system visualizations, functionalities, and tools are most useful in monitoring and analyzing biosurveillance data? What needs are systems currently meeting/not meeting? What improvements can be made to improve utility?
TM Monitoring and Anomaly Characterization What are the protocols for monitoring biosurveillance data? What information is necessary to characterize anomalies and what specific aspects indicate an anomaly is of potential importance? What information is needed beyond what the system can provide, and how can this information be obtained?
TM Follow-up, Reporting, and Communication Protocols When it is determined that an escalation or follow up investigation is appropriate, what are the appropriate protocols? What information is needed for escalation reporting? What information and in what format should reports include?
TM Consolidating Information How do we address/resolve the use of multiple systems? How do we consolidate information, coordinate, and communicate across jurisdictions, systems, and analytical results?
TM Situational Awareness How do we define situational awareness? How can biosurveillance systems meet the need for situational awareness (in addition to early detection of events)? What types of scenarios would require situational awareness, and what data analyses, system functionalities, and data visualizations would provide the needed information?