Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always 1 Accounting Classification Structures
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always 2 Accounting Classification Structures Program Element Code (PEC) Operating Agency Code (OAC) Operating Budget Account Number (OBAN) Responsibility Center/Cost Center (RC/CC) Department of Defense Element of Expense (DODEE) Element of Expense/Investment Code (EEIC) Examples of Fund Citations
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always 3 Program Element Codes Describe all forces, activities, & support required to accomplish the Air Force Mission along with the associated costs 27224F - Combat Rescue & Recovery 27597F - Training (Tactical Air Forces) 41897F - Training 44011F - Special Operations Forces 41115F - C-130 Airlift Squadrons 53114F - Aerospace Rescue & Recovery (ANG) 53122F - Aerospace Rescue & Recovery (AFRC) 53124F - Weather Service (AFRC) 78070F - Logistics Operations
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always 4 Operating Agency Code/Operating Budget Account Number (OAC/OBAN) Operating Agency Code (OAC) Two digit code which identifies an organization or function to which HQ USAF allocates funds Each Major Command will have its own OAC Operating Budget Account Number (OBAN) Two digit code assigned by the operating agencies (MAJCOMs) to identify specific funding points OAC 47, AFMC OBAN E8, WR-ALC OBAN U8, 78 th ABW 47E8 AFMCWR-ALC
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always Responsibility Center/Cost Center (RC/CC) Codes Identifies the level where actual consumption of resources takes place The 1 st and 2 nd digits represent higher level organizational/functional breakouts for the RC/CC First digit generally represents highest organizational or functional level breakout for the RC/CC – i.e MAJCOM, Center, ABW, Depot, Lab, etc. – Second digit represents a lower organizational or functional level breakout for the RC/CC 3 rd thru 6 th digits represent specific identifier for the RC/CC 5
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always Department of Defense Element of Expense Code (DODEE) Summarizes or groups specific Air Force Elements of Expense/Investment Codes (EEIC) Examples: DODEETitleRelated EEICs 01Civilian Pay39X 02Travel40X, 42X, 43X 13Other Purchased Svcs52X, 53X, 55X, 57X, 58X 59X (except 593) 16Supplies60X, 61X, 64X, 69X 17Equipment62X, 63X 6
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always Element of Expense/Investment Codes (EEICs) Lowest breakout within the budget structure Identifies the type of expense incurred Examples: – Civilian Overtime – Travel Per diem & Misc expenses – Aircraft Maintenance, Organic – Contract Logistics Support – Contract Sustaining Engineering – Procurement of Technical Data – Other Supplies, Government Purchase Card 7
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always Accounting Classification Structure (Fund Cite) Example of a Operations & Maintenance Coding Structure E8 4ABG F F03000 YY Department = 57 Fiscal Year = 6 Appropriation Symbol = 3400 Fund Code = 30 Fiscal Year = 6 Operating Agency Code = 47 Operating Budget Account Number = E8 Responsibility Center/Cost Center = 4ABG02 Budget Activity/Major Force Program = 02 Element of Expense/Investment Code = 609 Sales Code = 04 Program Element Code = 41115F Accounting & Disbursing Station Number = Department of Defense Activity Address Directory = F03000 Emergency & Special Program Code = YY 8
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always Accounting Classification Structure (Fund Cite) Example of a Central Procurement Coding Structure E Z AA HQ0104 Department = 57 Fiscal Year = 6 Appropriation Symbol = 3010 Fund Code = 11 Fiscal Year = 6 Operating Agency Code = 47 Operating Budget Account Number/Allotment Serial Number = E8 Budget Program (First 2 digits of BPAC) = 11 Activity Code/Program Code (Last 4 digits of BPAC) = 400Z Material Program Code = Systems Management Code = Control Symbol Number or Program Element Code = 3150AA Accounting & Disbursing Station Number = Department of Defense Activity Address Directory = HQ0104 9