Patient Centered Specialty Care Breakout Session Template
22 Breakout Session Guidelines This is a template that you can use for your presentation for the PCSC breakout session Each presentation should be between 5-10 minutes in length. Please your presentation to the Care Delivery Transformation team one week prior to your scheduled presentation
Practice Name Presenter Name/Role The Transformation Team Team Photo Meeting Times Team Roles PLAN Tasks needed to execute change Responsible person(s) Predictions Success Measures STUDY Measured results (Graphs, Statistics, Provider Level Performance) Lessons Learned ACT Conclusions Planned Modifications Questions for peers Specific Aim What was your goal? Practice Demographics State Practice Locations Number of physicians Number of Patients Served DO List observations
44 Key Questions to Answer (breakout session #1) 1.How is your practice expecting to engage with your primary care partners to share expectations? 2.How will you communicate care management roles? 3.How will you work with primary care to clarify the reason for referral? 4.What changes will you need to make to your referral process to incorporate the care compact standards? 5.What standards did your practice establish around the care compact? How are they being documented and communicated? o Standards for timeliness: scheduling patient, communicate results o Core data set: are you establishing a core data set or customizing it by condition?
55 Key Questions to Answer (breakout session #2) 1.How has your practice created feedback loops or touch points with your referring providers to see how the processes are working? 2.What changes have you made to staff roles and responsibilities to enhance/streamline care coordination processes? 3.What news ways have you leveraged technology (EMR, population management systems) to enhance care coordination processes? 4.What have you done to enhance your pre-visit planning process (e.g. huddles, standing orders)
66 Key Questions to Answer (breakout session #3) What are practical next steps to introduce/enhance shared decision-making at your practice? What will you do to implement/improve upon patient self- management support? When would you use decision aids vs. self-management? Who is the best person(s) in your practice to have decision making and/or self management support discussions with patients? What training would they need? What tools/resources/processes do you use/need to provide patient centric care?