Shared System of Care (COPD) It’ll take your breath away VIHA - Provincial Report Out
2 Trends in Age-standardized Death Rates (Percent change between 1970 and 2002)
3 Recruited 15 GPs & 6 MOAs in Comox Valley to attend a prototype for Shared System of Care (COPD) Prototyped a model of two 3.5 hr. educational learning sessions and one action period Action period work is designed to facilitate learning, testing tools and integrating changes into practice What we did?
4 AGENDA 12:00pmRegistration and Lunch 12:30Welcome & Opening: Setting the Context – Why are we doing this? Prevalence/Reviewing data Patho physiology of the disease 1:15Screening: COPD-6 Demo & Video o Table breakout: Practice with using COPD-6 1:45BREAK (Note: MOAs breakout until 2:40) 1:55Diagnosis ABCs of PFT 2:40BREAK (Note: MOAs return) 2:50Respirology Department Services Available Referral to PFT Lab Referral to Specialists 3:10Smoking Cessation: Strategies & Tools/Video to support 3:40Action Period Measures 3:50Evaluations and Close
5 To create a system of care that improves the quality of care and experience for patients at risk for and living with COPD AIM
6 Earlier identification of patients with COPD Supporting patients to quit smoking Enhancing patient self-management skills to manage their condition Referring patients to appropriate community services and resources Improving the patient experience with the system of care How will we achieve this aim?
7 1.Development of a COPD registry 2.10 screenings using COPD smoking cessation interventions COPD exacerbation plans 5.Review, use if possible new referral form and provide feedback at Learning Session #2 Note: For #2-4 can be different patients Action Period Measurement
8 AP1 - COPD Data Collection Sheet Please fill this form out and return via fax to Kate
9 Stepped Approach to Care
10 The Vitalograph COPD-6 USB used for initial screening. Benefits include: › Reliable test › Ease of use › Data download capability Screening – COPD-6 USB
11 COPD-6 Movie
12 St. Joseph’s General Hospital Respiratory Department Craig Dickson, RRT
13 ABCs of PFT Normal FVC=100% FEV1=80% FEV6=90% FEV1/FEV6=85% Moderate COPD FVC=80% FEV1=70% FEV6=80% FEV1/FEV6=65% Severe COPD FVC=65% FEV1=50% FEV1/FEV6=60%
14 St.Joseph’s PFT Referral process Testing options for COPD Contraindications Wait times Interpretations ABCs of PFT
15 GP- Respirology Referral Form The cohort will trial this form over the Action Period.
16 Smoking Cessation Derek Poteryko, M.D.
17 1.How to approach and discuss smoking cessation with a smoker at the various stages of change 2.Understand the efficacy of the most common cessation strategies 3.Be aware of the various community resources for smoking cessation 4.Be able to offer a timely and effective smoking intervention Session Objectives
18 Evaluations
20 Questions?