Session Objectives By the end of the session, participants will be able to: List the 8 content areas within the ClASS Administrative Module Describe the structure and organization of the ClASS Administrative Module Explain how the tool may be used in its modular format Identify key resources from which to gather information Develop a plan for gathering information on-site Effectively present findings and recommendations
Content Areas Section 1: Organization Oversight Section 2: Organization Structure and Management Section 3: Organizational Capacity Building Section 4: Human Resources Section 5: Project/Program Management Section 6: Grants Management Section 7: Sub-contractor/Grantee Monitoring Section 8: Management Information Systems
Structure and Organization (1)
Structure and Organization (2)
Document Review: Care and Treatment Advance ReviewOn-Site Review Organization’s mission statementMinutes of Board and Board Committee Meetings Current OrganogramMinutes of staff and management team meetings Current HIV Program chartOther relevant committee meeting minutes Strategic planContracts for all HIV service subcontractors Organization Operating policies and proceduresMemorandum of Understanding/Agreement for Partners and Referral sites Board By-LawsClinic licenses Program Work planPersonnel files (employee evaluations, benefits, etc.) Personnel policies and proceduresDescription of data collection & information system Position descriptionsStaff training manuals and list of trainings staff has participated in during the last 12 mos. Staff resumesOrganization QI system documents, if outside of clinical Personnel files (1 for each category of staff paid by PEPFAR (i.e. doctor, nurse, counselor, etc.) Insurance (Board, clinic, etc.) Program monitoring policies and procedures Program monitoring reports
Document Review: MEPI/NEPI Advance ReviewOn-Site Review Department/School Mission StatementMinutes of Leadership Meetings Departmental/School Governance StructureMinutes of staff and management team meetings Current organizational chart (organogram)Other relevant committee meeting minutes Strategic plansContracts for subcontractors Administrative Departmental/School operating policies and procedures Memorandum of Understanding/Agreements with Partners and/or Referral sites By-Laws of Governance bodyAccreditation documents & teaching credentials Program Work plans for MEPI/NEPI funded programs Personnel files Personnel policies and procedures (if available electronically, otherwise on-site) Description of data collection & information systems Position descriptions for leadership positionsStaff training manuals Staff resumes for leadership positions Organization QI system documents or meeting minutes Insurance (if applicable) Program monitoring policies and procedures
Key Staff Interviews
Activity ClASS Administrative Review Scenarios Gather relevant and accurate information Communicate findings effectively
Key Points The ClASS Administrative Module is divided into 8 sections. Each section includes core competencies, a series of suggested questions and verification criteria. The ClASS Toolkit is modular in format, which means that modules or sections of modules may be chosen based on relevance to the program being assessed. This decision will be made by review team and collaborating partners. Reviewers should not feel required to complete the tool sections (or tools in general) in any specific order.