Welcome! Field Study Participant Meeting November 16, 2010 Phantom Lake Gymnasium 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Today’s Agenda 4:00 – 4:15: Welcome and Updates/General Housekeeping 4:15 – 5:25: Small Group Discussions on Fluency 5:25 – 5:45: Share tips and tricks with grade level teams 5:45 –6:00:Field Study Feedback Collection
Updates and General Housekeeping Sign in for clock hours Adopting Core/Tier 1 Materials Can you keep materials? Guided Reading? 4:00-4:15
Small Group Discussion on Fluency 1 st : 20 minute breakout by grade level and program 2 nd : 25 minute breakout by grade level with combined program sharing 3 rd : 25 minute whole group share-out
Small Group Guidelines For our discussions: 25 minutes TCCs will take notes at some grade levels, if needed elect someone from the grade level to take notes Share new insights (!) questions (?) and squares ( ) Elect a spokesperson to share out common themes during whole-group share-out (at the end)
Breakout by Grade level and Program-25 minutes Guiding Questions for Discussion: ◦ What specific components of the program/units address this big ideas? ◦ How often are you seeing these concepts presented (daily, weekly, other)? ◦ How have you used these components for all or some of your students? If so, have you found them effective? 4:15-4:35
Breakout by Grade Level with Combined Program Sharing-25 minutes Share your observations about your program with your grade level colleagues There will be a TCC at each grade level taking notes Elect someone from the grade level to record, on chart paper, thoughts that are shared. Be ready to share the key points of your conversation with the whole group 4:35-5:00
Whole Group Share-out 25 minutes 5:00-5:25
Tips and Tricks Open Discussion Time Guiding questions ◦ What have you learned/discovered about planning instruction with your program? ◦ What resources have you been able to use during the last month since we have met? What have you created that you can share with your grade level (Smart Notebooks, other documents)? What components do you still have questions about incorporating? Do others have suggestions? 5:25-5:45
Field Study Feedback Survey Where to go for the survey For our independent feedback time ◦ Please take 15 minutes, in-depth feedback needed! ◦ If you finish early, please respect the work-time of your colleagues. Maintain quiet atmosphere that allows for concentration and reflection.
Field Study Feedback Survey Materials Questions ◦ Ease of Use ◦ Sufficient explicit fluency instruction? ◦ Sufficient fluency practice? ◦ How often do you see fluency instruction/practice in your program? Additional Feedback 5:45-6:00