February 5, 2015 Merritt College
Secondary & Postsecondary Partners K-12 Districts Alameda Unified School District Albany Unified School District Berkeley Unified School District Castro Valley Unified School District Emery Unified School District Hayward Unified School District Oakland Unified School District Piedmont Unified School District San Leandro Unified School District San Lorenzo Unified School District West Contra Costa Unified School District Alameda County Office of Education Community Colleges Berkeley City College Chabot College College of Alameda Contra Costa College Laney College Merritt College Cal State East Bay and UC Berkeley are included as unfunded post-secondary partners Alameda County Office of Education
PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT Pathways begin in K12 and lead to PS degrees or certificates and high-wage, high-skill, high-growth career opportunities in the region. K-16 pathways to college and careers that include: Dual enrollment courses embedded in pathways, including: Sequence of work-based learning experiences integrated into K- 16 pathways Strong connection to Industry
October 2 December 4 February 5 May 7 Action Teams & Collective Impact
Work-Based Learning Structure: Linked Learning Hub of Excellence James Irvine funded Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Planning period through June 2015 Broad stakeholders from across the region Development of a platform that promotes and sustains career pathways, including employer engagement
Dr. David Stern College & Career Academy Support Network, UC Berkeley
3 main points $30,000 over 8 years – gain in earnings for career academy grads (Kemple, MDRC 2008) Learn by practice and coaching Expand options for students
Work-based learning is how people usually learn to work How to learn to play piano or baseball? Practice, practice! Same is true of learning to work. Historically, children learned to work by working –– but work opportunities for young people are disappearing. After finishing formal schooling, adults keep learning –– at work.
Learning through work has long-term benefits for students Develop social and emotional capabilities: e.g., confidence in taking responsibility, skills for dealing with customers and co-workers Research: these kinds of capabilities predict long-term career success –– but no one knows exactly which ones, so trying to measure career readiness on a sit-down test is less useful than assessing students’ actual performance in a work situation.
WBL develops capabilities for work and life WBL develops these capabilities by requiring students to perform in situations where they take real responsibility, learn from mistakes, collaborate with coworkers, deal with clients and customers, set priorities, meet deadlines, take initiative, cope with unforeseen challenges, etc. Practice, practice!
Ken Maxey Director of Government Affairs, Comcast
CHAMPS: We are What We do C ommunity H ealth & A dolescent M entoring P rogram for S uccess Through in-depth, intensive internship training, we support local youth to see through the eyes of health care professionals and envision their future career.
Pulmonary Function Lab at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
High School is a time of curiosity and connecting the dots. Students need direct experience to anchor their classroom learning and provide an incentive to enter to higher education. Our graduates are now entering into medical school, dental school, nursing, physician assistant school and masters in public health programs. Health Sciences Simulation Center Field-trip, Samuel Merritt University
Ted Lam Maintenance Superintendent, P.E. East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Michael Feeney Student in Machine Technology Laney College
Beth Kay Linked Learning Manager, Foundation for California Community Colleges
Career Awareness Career Exploration Career Preparation Career Training EB CPT Work-based Learning Continuum* Learning Outcomes *Adapted from the Linked Learning Work-Based Learning Continuum developed by the Linked Learning Alliance
Career Awareness Career Exploration. Career Preparation Career Training. EB CPT Work-based Learning Continuum* Learning Outcomes *Adapted from the Linked Learning Work-Based Learning Continuum developed by the Linked Learning Alliance Learning ABOUT work Learning THROUGH work Learning FOR work
Career Awareness Learning ABOUT work. Build awareness of variety Career Exploration Learning ABOUT work. Explore career options Career Preparation Learning THROUGH work. Apply learning through practical experience Career Training Learning FOR work. Train for specific range of occupations. EB CPT Work-based Learning Continuum* Learning Outcomes *Adapted from the Linked Learning Work-Based Learning Continuum developed by the Linked Learning Alliance Industry/Field Occupation/job
Career Awareness Learning ABOUT work. Career Exploration Learning ABOUT work. Career Preparation Learning THROUGH work. Career Training Learning FOR work. *Adapted from the Linked Learning Work-Based Learning Continuum, developed by the Linked Learning Alliance Larger groups of students per industry professional One on one mentorship of students
Career Awareness Learning ABOUT work. Career Exploration Learning ABOUT work. Career Preparation Learning THROUGH work. Career Training Learning FOR work. *Adapted from the Linked Learning Work-Based Learning Continuum, developed by the Linked Learning Alliance Focus on transferable skills; cross cutting skills, connections to core curricula Focus on technical skills for employment and course work required for certifications etc.
Career Awareness Learning ABOUT work. Career Exploration Learning ABOUT work. Career Preparation Learning THROUGH work. Career Training Learning FOR work. *Adapted from the Linked Learning Work-Based Learning Continuum, developed by the Linked Learning Alliance Time spent out in world of work with professionals
Career Awareness Learning ABOUT work. Experiences include: Workplace tour Guest speaker Career fair Visit parents at work Career Exploration Learning ABOUT work. Experiences include: Informational interview Job shadow Virtual exchange with a partner Job site visit Career Preparation Learning THROUGH work. Experiences include: Student-run enterprise with partner involvement Integrated project with partner involvement Service projects, social enterprises with partners Internships, field study, practicum Career Training Learning FOR work. Experiences include: Internship required for credential or entry to occupation Apprenticeship Clinical experience On-the-job training Work experience Cooperative Education *Adapted from the Linked Learning Work-Based Learning Continuum, developed by the Linked Learning Alliance
Ben Crosby, ConnectEdConnectEd
Breakout Session #1: 10:45 – 1:45 SESSION ROOM # Executive Steering Committee (to 12:00) L137 Counseling & Support Services (to 3:30) R110 Regional Pathway Action Teams: Advanced Manufacturing/Engineering P228 Health & Bioscience D224 ICT & Digital Media A100 Law & Public Service D214
Breakout Session #2: 2:00 – 3:30 SESSION ROOM # Exploring WBL Experiences, from High School into Community College D137 Lessons from the Field: Scaling Up WBL D133 Counseling Breakout #2 R110 NAF Tools for Developing WBL D136 Systems Building to Support WBL D132 (Administrators’ Session)