Achieving the Dream Issues Workshop January 11, 2008
2 Agenda Welcome and Discussion of Session Objectives (S. Harvey): 8:30 – 8:45 am Report from Data Team (J. Morgan Dees and S. Crynes): 8:45 – 9:05 am Update on Existing Student Success Initiatives (S. VanSchuyver): 9:05 – 9:25 am Break-out Groups: Explanation of Process: 9:25 – 9:30 am Developmental: 9:30 – 10:00 am Course Completion: 10:00 – 10:30 am Persistence/Retention: 10:30 – 11:00 am Agreement on Issues: 11:00 – 11:15 am Next Steps: 11:15 – 11:30 am Lunch: 11:30 am
3 Session Objectives Review demographic information from the Data team. Learn about progress and challenges of current student success projects. Determine 5 – 10 high priority developmental education, course completion and persistence/retention issues.
4 Where We Are In the Process Oct – Jan. 2008TodayJan. – Mid - Feb Late - Feb. – Mid- March 2008 Mid-March – May 2008 Research and discuss course completion, retention and demographic statistics. Select 5 – 10 key issues to focus interventions or strategies. Strategy teams research potential interventions and make recommendations to leadership team. Draft of strategy document prepared and circulated. Strategy document approved by AtD and strategy implementation begins.
5 Issue Selection Criteria 1.The data that have been provided makes a compelling case for choosing this particular issue over another. 2.The problem or issue falls within the responsibilities of the college and that staff and faculty can develop concrete initiatives to address it. 3. Initiatives to address the problem or issue would most likely be scalable. This means that a small pilot project could be inexpensively or easily replicated with a relatively large number of students.
6 Breakout Process 1.Divide into 5 groups – see sheets for your assignment and tents for your table. 2.Appoint a recorder and a presenter. 3.Discuss the list of developmental education issues on your worksheet. (You may want to reference which ones you individually selected from your homework). As a group, select the two most important issues by marking the boxes on the worksheet. At the bottom of the page write down why you selected each issue. When you are completed the presenter from each table will be called upon to give their selections and a brief summary of the group’s rationales. 4. & 5. Repeat the process for the lists of course completion and retention/persistence issues. 6. As a combined group we will then come to agreement on 5 – 10 issues with at least one developmental education, one course completion and one retention/persistence issue.
7 Next Steps Three strategy teams will research and propose solutions: Tamara Carter and Carlotta Hill will be co-chairs of the developmental education strategy team. Susan VanSchuyver and Anita Williams will be co-chairs of the course completion strategy team Marion Paden and Felix Aquino will be co-chairs of the persistence/retention strategy team. Other members have not been named yet. Please let us know if you have a particular preference. Next meeting: January 23.