David S. Ekern, P.E. April 7, 2005 David S. Ekern, P.E. April 7, 2005 Transforming Transportation Building the Next Generation Environmental Stewardship Breakout Session Environmental Stewardship Breakout Session
Improving Project/Program Delivery Planning and Innovative Finance Improving Safety Enhancing System Operations Organizational Development Strategic Focus Areas Activities intended to move transportation and the organization from one place to another
Integrating Vision and Performance Corridor and Area Plans Customer Expectation State System Planning System Health The Vision System Performance
Project / Program Delivery 2004 Context Sensitive Solutions/Policy 2005 Resource Agency Agreements ITD / FHWA / LHTAC Stewardship Oversight Agreement Funding Neutral Project Development Process Consultant Process Review
Successful Project Elements Community Acceptance Environmental Compatibility Engineering and Functional Credibility Financial Feasibility
CSS Objectives Community Acceptance/Support Involvement in project scoping Satisfaction with projects Adding something to the community Environmental Compatibility One process for development Commitment follow through Award winning nominations Compliance with environmental rules
CSS Objectives Financial and delivery commitment (on time – on budget) Unique financing plans for program/projects Cost Schedule Plan quality Engineering/Functional/Credibility Produced electronically Scoped to include community/environmental values/needs Focused on purpose Quality measures/uniformity of plans built within AASHTO guidelines Improving safety
Thank You — Quality Transportation Through People Who Make a Difference —