2014 WORK PLAN Thank you for joining us! The webinar will begin shortly. Please call (712) 432-0900, 517887# to hear the audio.


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Presentation transcript:

2014 WORK PLAN Thank you for joining us! The webinar will begin shortly. Please call (712) , # to hear the audio.

GOALS Inform NDWA members on our goals, programs and key dates in 2014 Discuss questions on 2014 plan Hear what members are excited about in 2014

NDWA MISSION & HISTORY The National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) is the voice and vehicle for respect, recognition, and inclusion in labor protections for domestic workers in the United States. Through leadership and capacity development, strategic campaigns, innovative research, and alliance building we seek to build a vibrant movement for global justice rooted in a commitment to worker and human rights.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 2013 in our KEY PROGRAMS CAMPAIGN & MOVEMENT BUILDING Won the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights in California and Hawaii, with similar campaigns emerging in Illinois, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Passed the new Department of Labor regulations extending minimum wage and overtime protections to over 1.8 million home care workers across the country. Continued to develop Caring Across Generations and engaged thousands in changing the culture and value of care by celebrating Grandparents Day.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 2013 in our KEY PROGRAMS CAMPAIGN & MOVEMENT BUILDING Made immigration a women’s issue. Mobilized hundreds of women to engage in the fight for immigration reform and secured champions to ensure immigration reform would take into account the needs of women and women workers. Launched the national campaign, Beyond Survival, and started shifting the discourse on trafficking to include the issues and experiences of domestic workers. Served as a founding member of the newly launched International Domestic Workers Federation.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 2013 in our KEY PROGRAMS CAPACITY BUILDING: Over 60 domestic worker leaders and organizers graduated from the SOL capacity-building program. Launched the new organizing program, Base building Innovation Group (BIG) to increase the capacity of our affiliates to base-build and build scale and develop an effective organizing model. Developed our first chapter in Atlanta to have a membership program and structure and develop a campaign. Provided technical assistance to new emerging affiliates. NDWA is now 43 affiliate organizations in 26 cities and 18 states.


2014 PRIORITIES to build power and shape the future 1.Deepen the leadership and organizing of our affiliates and leaders to build strong organizations and achieve our goals. 2.Shift culture and power to win meaningful change in the lives of domestic workers and build a powerful movement. 3.Experiment with new organizing projects to build power and reach scale and financial independence.

Deepen leadership CAPACITY-BUILDING SOL Leadership Development Program: Launch Sol II to develop 40 key leaders in their capacity to play national, strategic, & visionary leadership roles. Key dates: Retreat 1: March 27-30, 2014 Retreat 2: July , 2014 Retreat 3: November 13-16, 2014 Retreat 4: February 5-8, 2015 Orientation Retreat: September 2014

Deepen leadership CAPACITY-BUILDING Base-building Innovation Group Invest in and train organizers in 11 affiliates to develop base-building approach to scale up by at least 3-4 times in membership. CORE & Technical Assistance Launch an OD TA Program to provide consultants for one-on-one coaching, roundtable conversations, and online trainings Provide support to new emerging affiliates.

Deepen leadership CAPACITY-BUILDING Black Organizing Project Develop a plan for organizing black domestic workers Develop plan to support black worker leaders Chapter building Develop a healthy & sustainable chapter with local programs and campaigns Develop ATL chapter staff

Deepen leadership RESEARCH Academic Conference on Domestic Work October 16-18, 2014, New York Book on Domestic Worker Movement Storytelling workshop, April 25, Washington DC

Shift culture & power CAMPAIGNS State Bill of Rights Win DW BoR in MA & IL Develop & launch plans for post-victory enforcement campaigns in NY and CA Develop and launch next generation BOR framework

Shift culture & power CAMPAIGNS Caring Across Generations Launch campaign for fair wages for domestic workers Position NDWA in care sector organizing Develop & launch DOL implementation plans Key activities: Care Worker summit – Fall 2014 Grandparent’s Day – September 2014

Shift culture & power CAMPAIGNS We Belong Together Put women’s face on immigration Win changes to immigration policy that meets the needs of women— through legislation, administrative fixes, or both Increase the leadership capacity of women immigrants, women’s movement leaders, child advocates and youth Identify and promote bi-national solutions Key activities: Women’s Summit on Immigration- Feb 18 th Women’s Fast for Families around the country – March 8-28 th 100 women fast in DC March— April 7-9th Mobilization to DC - September

Shift culture & power CAMPAIGNS Beyond Survival Change public and media landscape Change policy on trafficking Support and develop the leadership of trafficking survivors Develop tools & materials for affiliates re: trafficking Key activities: Trafficking survivor retreat – Jan 23-26, 2014

Shift culture & power CAMPAIGNS Make it Work (women’s equality) Shift culture on the issues of immigrant women and women of color and the economy Lift up immigrant women and women of color voices in the beltway women’s efforts Shape feminism for the 21 st century with immigrant women and women of color at the center

Experiment with new models SOCIAL INNOVATIONS Member services & benefits Provide a training program to support affiliates to provide professional development training Develop a plan to leverage technology and services to scale Find a viable, scalable, and self-sustaining membership organization model

Experiment with new models SOCIAL INNOVATIONS Creating a business Find a viable, scalable, and profitable business model Key activities: Test different business model experiments in New York & Seattle.

BUILDING NDWA National Assembly: April 25-28, 2014, Washington DC Board of Directors: Members decide to run – February 2014 Candidate orientation calls – March 2014 Board Elections – April 26, 2014