METHODOLOGICAL SUGGESTIONS for the revision process 1.Deepen the understanding of the characteristic traits of the Conventual Franciscan Charism 2.Involve the friars in the research 3.Involve the entire Order in a formative journey
REASONS FOR REVISION 1.Changes in the Order over the past 40 years 2.Growth in the missionary activity of the Order 3.New perspectives on consecrated life and prospects for it offered by the Church since Vatican II 4.Novelty and complexity of the world in which we live
UNDERLYING MOTIVES OF THE PROJECT 1.To deepen the understanding of our Conventual identity 2.To consider the import that the Constitutions give to the Conventual charism 3.To ask ourselves how to be Conventual Franciscan Friars today
PRINCIPLES DIRECTING THE PROJECT 1.Studying anew and in depth what it means to be a Conventual Franciscan Friar 2.Examining and evaluating the principles, used by the Order up to today, for entering into and becoming part of a culture and its local Church 3.Educating the friars in the transition from being multicultural to being intercultural
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT 1.To make the Rule clearly and emphatically the foundation of the constitutions 2.To give the new constitutions a strong ecclesial perspective 3.To make the constitutions an effective tool for inculturation in various parts of the world
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT (CONT’D) 4.To write constitutions that can be easily interpreted in a multicultural or intercultural context 5.To make the revision process an opportunity of ongoing formation for all the friars of the Order
STAGES OF THE PROJECT 1.Critical analysis of the current constitutions 2.Completion of specific research projects entrusted to experts in and outside of the Franciscan family
STAGES OF THE PROJECT (CONT’D) 3.Thorough study of the research projects in order to formulate new articles for the constitutions and to make them opportunities of ongoing formation for all the friars of the Order 4.Sending out the prepared revisions to the general definitory and leadership of provinces, custodies and delegations 5.Analysis, correction and approval of the new constitutions
GENERAL TIMETABLE each chapter of the constitutions will require about 6 months to do the initial analysis, to determine the research topics, and to secure the experts to do the studies moving through the subsequent stages the work is expected to be completed in time for the General Chapter of 2019
TOOLS TO COMPLETE THE TASK 1.a. Executive Committee for the Revision of the Constitutions (CERC) b. International Commission for the Revision of the Constitutions (CIRC)
TOOLS TO COMPLETE THE TASK (cont’d) 2.Study groups and individual consultants called for by CIRC 3.General congresses and conventions treating specific topics 4.Organized programs of ongoing formation on subjects contained in the constitutions
WORK DONE BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Over the course of 14 meetings: 1. Organized studies and prepared materials for the first meeting of the International Commission 2. Processed the results of the meeting of CIRC and drew up a program for studies in specialized fields for subsequent stages of the work
WORK DONE BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (CONT’D) 3.Studied the chapters of the current constitutions and synthesized the input from each member of CIRC 4.Began the selection process for the studies needed for the in-depth treatment of the second chapter of the constitutions
WORK DONE BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (CONT’D) 5.Began work on a preliminary Instrumentum Laboris for the drafts of the first and second chapters of the new constitutions 6.Collaborated with the Preparatory Commission (Fraternal General Assembly 2010) to carry out the Order’s Six Year Project ( )
WORK DONE BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (CONT’D) 7.Planned a strategy to keep the friars informed and engaged using the Order’s web site and printed materials 8.Initiated the preparation of a separate page on the Order’s web site
WORK OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION First meeting (1-4 April 2009): 1. Had a round-the-table sharing regarding the working program for the revision of the constitutions and the operating procedures to be followed 2. Reviewed and discussed the topics of the preliminary studies
WORK OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION (cont’d) 3.Identified the high-priority topics to be studied for the formulation of new constitutions 4.Offered helpful directives regarding the course the work should follow
WHAT WE HAVE EXPERIENCED THUS FAR Atmosphere of collaborative participation in CERC Attention and dedication from most of the members of CIRC This work does, in fact, provide the opportunity and stimulus to meditate continually on the Rule and constitutions
WHAT WE HAVE EXPERIENCED THUS FAR (CONT’D) It is an opportunity of ongoing formation and education in the art of dialog and encounter among friars of different backgrounds and cultures It is an opportunity to ask ourselves about the relevance of the witness we offer today
DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED 1.Effort required to get all the members of CIRC involved 2.Poor feedback on the reflection outlines prepared for the friary chapters
IN THE NEAR FUTURE The work will become more intense due to its own complexity and the number of people involved To think about and organize times for disucssion and meetings on specific topics (conferences treating topics in general)
EXPECTATIONS 1.Involvement in the project on the part of every jurisdiction and every friar of the Order: - making the revision of the contstitutions an opportunity to reflect on one’s franciscan vocation; - counting on the indispensable involvement of the ministers and custodes
EXPECTATIONS (cont’d) 2.Willingness and openness of the ministers, provincial and custodial definitories, and every friary to reflect on the proposals that will be sent out.
EXPECTATIONS (cont’d) 3.Each jurisdiction designates one of its definitors to serve as its liaison with CIRC
EXPECTATIONS (cont’d) 4.At least twice a year, the Revision of the Constitutions appears on the agenda of the meetings of provincial and custodial definitories
EXPECTATIONS (cont’d) 5.Distribution of the studies that are already completed as well as those that have been planned using either the Order’s web site or a printed format (at least the works of greater interest)
First Meeting CIRC Roma, Seraphicum,
To the praise of God and his servant Francis Fr. Fermino Giacometti Coordinator of CIRC Fr. Roberto Brandinelli Secretary of CIRC