Kelvingrove & Glasgow University Partnership
Presenters Anne Wallace Maggie Jago
Curriculum for Excellence The expressive arts experiences and outcomes will support staff in planning challenging, inspirational and enjoyable learning and teaching activities. The initial statements are closely linked to the four capacities and can be used to help to plan a wide range of learning activities, which will enable our young people to become: successful learners who can express themselves, think innovatively, meet challenges positively and find imaginative solutions to problems and who have developed knowledge and skills related to the different arts and broader skills such as the use of technologies confident individuals who have developed self-awareness, self-discipline, determination, commitment and confidence through drawing on their own ideas, experiences and feelings, and through successful participation responsible citizens who can explore ethical questions, respond to personal and social issues, and develop stances and views, who have deepened their insight and experiences of cultural identities and who have come to recognise the importance of the arts to the culture and identities of Scotland and other societies effective contributors who can develop and express their creativity, work cooperatively and communicate with others, and, in so doing, show initiative, dependability, leadership and enterprise.
My learning in, through and about the expressive arts: enables me to experience the inspiration and power of the arts recognises and nurtures my creative and aesthetic talents allows me to develop skills and techniques that are relevant to specific art forms and across the four capacities provides opportunities for me to deepen my understanding of culture in Scotland and the wider world is enhanced and enriched through partnerships with professional arts companies, creative adults and cultural organisations.
University of Glasgow and Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum
Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum
Practical Concerns Planning for staff; Glasgow University/Kelvingrove/learning & Teaching Scotland Teacher availability during school hours Performance aspect Kelvingrove as a venue
Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum
Massacre of Glencoe, James Hamilton
Margaret Hutchison
Dress to Kill
Feedback "Thanks to all staff for a superb experience – I now feel much more confident about using an integrated approach to learning" "I really enjoyed exploring the different areas of Expressive Arts using the gallery spaces in the Kelvingrove – inspirational!" "Please can we have more CPD like this – real experiences that we can take back to school" "Excellent speakers and brilliant workshops – thank you to the team"
Continued Partnership
New Audiences for Museums
Collections as a Focus for Learning in New Settings
Interdisciplinary Learning In and Through Glasgow's Kelvingrove Art Drama Numeracy Literacy Moving Image Education Theology and the Arts
Expressing The Unseen
Expressing the Unseen Working with a large group reviewing the three very different paintings provided the opportunity to hear everyone’s ideas and point of views – it was a clear illustration of the different perspectives of absence and presence As both French and Scottish students, we gained a new interest in Scottish history and appreciation of Scottish Art through studying works of art in Kelvingrove Museum Even if you aren’t keen on a learning area, we experienced first hand that through trying and experiencing different approaches such as Drama, you can gain and retain more information – we now have a fuller understanding and appreciation of how using different approaches will work with children The drama techniques were very useful and it will be good to try these in the classroom such as freeze-frame, thought tracking and improvisation
Thank You AnneWallace Maggie Jago