IPY UPDATE: NSF OPP – Office Advisory Committee Robin E. Bell Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory - Columbia University ICSU/WMO IPY Joint Committee Chair NAS/Polar Research Board May 9, 2005
IPY Concept An international programme of coordinated, interdisciplinary, scientific research and observations in the Earth’s Polar regions :An international programme of coordinated, interdisciplinary, scientific research and observations in the Earth’s Polar regions : –to explore new scientific frontiers –to deepen our understanding of polar processes and their global linkages –to increase our ability to detect changes –to attract and develop the next generation of polar scientists, engineers and logistics experts –to capture the interest of the public and decision-makers
ICSU/WMO Update New CommitteeNew Committee Review Provide Feedback 869 proposalsReview Provide Feedback 869 proposals Disciplinary Based ReviewDisciplinary Based Review
LeadPartner Korea3 Malaysia4 Netherlands17 New Zealand1 Norway54114 Poland26 Portugal2 Russia51 South Africa2 Spain818 Sweden16 Switzerland1 UK58168 Ukraine7 USA Uruguay1 National Statistics on the EOI LeadPartner Argentina4 Australia16122 Austria3 Belgium10 Brazil3 Canada Chile4 China4 Czech Republic1 Denmark44 Egypt1 Finland11 France14 Germany4576 Greenland4 Iceland2 India1 Italy3960 Japan28
International Response to the Call for Expressions of Interest 869 Responses Total 21% of the Expressions lead by US Scientists 40% have US Scientists Names as Lead Partners US Science Community is Playing a Leading Role in IPY
Geographic Breakdown Antarctic159 Arctic483 Bipolar136 Not specifically Polar 88
TOTAL866 Cryosphere135 Met/Climate108 Geosciences110 Oceanography94 Biology169 Human Dimension104 Space Physics58 Remote Sensing9 Data Management18 Legacy9 Education and Outreach52 Discipline Breakdown
Preliminary Breakdown in Major Projects GEOTRACES13 CASO (Southern Ocean)21 Search38 CLIVAR33 Marine Ecosystems75 Biodiversity73 Exploring Beneath the Ice28 Polar Observatories32 CliC65 Permafrost17 West Antarctic Ice Sheet11
Clustering by ICSU WMO Discipline BasedDiscipline Based Identified Major Program Well Coordinated with LeadIdentified Major Program Well Coordinated with Lead Attempt Cluster Other ProgramAttempt Cluster Other Program Hope to see Submittals for June 30 DeadlineHope to see Submittals for June 30 Deadline Major Emphasis Data Education and OutreachMajor Emphasis Data Education and Outreach
Consultative Forum March ~70 people Attended~70 people Attended Opportunity Discuss Next Steps and Coordination Between GroupsOpportunity Discuss Next Steps and Coordination Between Groups Primary Nations Aligning Programs Seeking FundingPrimary Nations Aligning Programs Seeking Funding
IPY International Office At BAS - Cambridge Lead by David Carlson - formerly of NCARLead by David Carlson - formerly of NCAR
IPY Project Building Motivated By June 30 DeadlineMotivated By June 30 Deadline Openness to International GroupsOpenness to International Groups Building Interdisciplinary ProgramsBuilding Interdisciplinary Programs
US National Committee Chaired by Mary AlbertChaired by Mary Albert Sub Committee of the Polar Research BoardSub Committee of the Polar Research Board Serving as an Idea/Information Clearing HouseServing as an Idea/Information Clearing House Coordinating of Discussion Venues Agency LunchesCoordinating of Discussion Venues Agency Lunches Serving as Convener of Meetings (ie AGU etc)Serving as Convener of Meetings (ie AGU etc)
NAS/PRB Next Steps PRB Met Last WeekPRB Met Last Week Message to CommunityMessage to Community Cluster Flexible Opportunity to build Collaborations National Committee Approval - Build strategy will meet ICSU/NAS and Agency Criteria Look for Emerging Funding Opportunites Sub Committee of the Polar Research BoardSub Committee of the Polar Research Board Subset of Individuals Developing Approach and Messaging for Broadening IPYSubset of Individuals Developing Approach and Messaging for Broadening IPY