University of Washington’s Pathways for Internationalizing Curriculum, Outreach, and Research Capacities Across Campus
Global Human Security Theme Deepening Existing “Traditional” Security Studies at UW Extending Capacity to Internationalize Curriculum, Outreach & Research Through Health, Poverty & Development, Environment, Human Rights & Religion
UN Framework Global links and interdependence spawned by flows of goods, people, finances, images, ideas and shared planet, biosphere, technical arsenal, and social fabric Increases both well-being and insecurity Security cannot be ONLY located at the state level, but must also focus on individuals Human security foci can complement state security, enhances human rights and human development
Human security can be compelling and could be a new framework for building institutions University contribution Identify related intellectual communities Create venues for engagement and dialogue Evaluate efficacy of the framework and implementation Deepen “Traditional” Security Studies Extend Outreach and Support to Other Communities
Area Studies, Local-Global, Human Security
Before Title VI Institute for Global & Regional Security Studies International Security Colloquium Global Trade, Transportation & Logistics Humanitarian Relief Non-proliferation, energy, international relations, China, Russia, & Former Soviet States
Curricular New courses on regional energy and environmental security challenges, weapons of mass destruction, biohazards (with health sciences), and trade and security. New, interdisciplinary, university-wide graduate certificate in security and societies (social science, engineering, health, humanitarian relief, information science) Outreach & Events E.g. - Debating New and Old Terrorism; Disarmament Continued; Democracies & Civil Wars; Peace & Reconciliation conferences on Africa, Middle East, Asia & FSU; Nuclear Proliferation Logics; Torture & Human Rights
Health Immigration, Poverty, Development & Economics Environment (Christie) Human Rights (Godoy) Religion, Security, & International Affairs (Wellman)
CURRICULAR New Courses Immigration & Refugees Human Trafficking Bottom-up Development Oceans & Environment Water & Security Health… New Programs Critical Poverty Studies Food Security Studies EVENTS, OUTREACH & RESEARCH Immigration & Human Trafficking Human Rights & Global Institutions Food, Development & Environment Religion & Security Journalism & Security Global Washington
Next steps…. Consolidate & Grow Health & Environment Programs Human Rights & Social Justice Religion Articulate a University-Wide Vision Evaluate Human Security Framework