ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A : Trade Union Training for GUF – Building Global Solidarity Network ACTRAV-Turin Course Orientation
Aims of This Session 1. To get to know with each other; 2. To clearly understand the objectives and expected outputs of this course; and 3. To grasp participants’ expectations to the course and make fine-tunings to the course timetable.
Activity: Paired Interview Purpose: To get to know with each other, and to identify the common areas of participants’ interests. Activity: 1. Make pairs (two persons make one team); 2. Interview your partner about him/herself: -Name (nickname), country, and organization -Trade union (GUF) experiences and current responsibilities -Expectations to this programme (on IT issues) 3. In the plenary, introduce your partner to the group.
Background of the Course (1) The advancement of globalization and the development of world-wide computer communication systems; The systems use , mailing lists, computer conferencing and web sites, bring together people in global networks for corporate, social and political activities; They can be very effective for organizing people on a global basis;
Background of the Course (2) The international labour movement has used computer communications for various activities, but more can be (and should be) done; and By developing solidarity networks based on computer communications the movement can dramatically increase its influence on the effects of globalization and other issues.
Development Objectives global solidarity networks: This Course is aimed at contributing to development of global solidarity networks: 1. For international and national trade unions, central federations, works councils and other labour organizations plus particular groups such as labour educators, researchers and gender equality officers 2. To enhance communications and strengthen labour organizations at all levels.
Immediate Objectives By the end of this course, the participants will be able to: Deepen understanding on computer communications and their effective use for trade union work; Obtain practical knowledge for building and developing solidarity networks through their hands-on experience with Solidarity Communications (SoliComm); and Gain access to the training materials they need in order to use and teach computer communications.
SoliComm SoliComm SoliComm can be used for; 4 providing free for unionists; 4 creating list services for organizations wanting to send to large groups; 4 computer conferencing for distance education and meetings via the Internet; and 4 web-site hosting for labour organizations that want to create web sites.
Time-Table of this Course Day 1: Issues and Agenda for GUFs in A/P region ① Priority issues and agenda for each GUF in A/P region ② Potential areas for joint actions ③ Effective ways and means for joint actions Day 2: GUF Needs for Computer Communications -Current communication situations within/among GUF(s) -Problems, difficulties and needs of GUFs Day 3 & 4: Hands-on Experience with SoliComm - system and mailing list -Online Conference and websites Day 5: GUF Strategy on Computer Communications -The ideal computer communications system for GUFs
Activities No. 1 a) What are the priority issues and agenda for actions of each GUF in Asia and the Pacific region? b) What are the common issues and agenda for actions of GUFs in Asia and the Pacific region that can best be addressed by organizing joint actions? c) What are the possible, appropriate and/or necessary ways and means of joint actions for GUFs in Asia and the Pacific region?
Activities No. 2 a) What are the computer communications situation of GUFs in Asia and the Pacific in terms of: i.Communications between headquarters and regional office(s); ii.Communications between regional office(s) and affiliates; iii.Communications between/among GUFs in the region. b) What are the problems, difficulties, needs and/or requirements of GUFs (from the regional perspective) in further improving and promoting computer communications?
Activities No. 3 a) What would be the best (or better) solutions for computer communications for GUFs, globally and regionally? b) What would be join initiatives and actions to be taken by GUFs in building and promoting global solidarity networks?
Reports The Report should contain: (1) a brief description of the history and regional structure of the GUFs; (2) a synthesis of the major labour issues they are confronted with in the region, especially in a view to the negative impact of globalization and GUFs driving forces; (3) communication patterns and use / availability of trade union networks; and (4) communication pattern between GUFs in the region / strategies and major actions of the GUFs. It should not be more than 5 pages.
Evaluation End of the Course Evaluation Post-Course Evaluation –Implementation of Work Plan and After-1year- Ealuation Questionnaire
Course Website /A / –Database of all the relevant materials of the course; –A hub for networking of the participants
Any questions or clarifications? About Objectives and Goals of the Course? About Contents of the Program? About … anything?
Let’s enjoy the program together! ACTRAV-Turin