MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February 2009 Identification and collection of the Best Practices METHODOLOGICAL APPROCH 1) OBJECTIVES 2) STRUCTURE 3) ANNEX
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) OBJECTIVES 1.Presentation of the MMOVE Methodology and approach; 2.Sharing and validation of the Best Practices template; 3.First reflections on Study Visits template and feasibility study contents; 4.Timeline of the next steps; 5.Open discussion.
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE MAIN DOCUMENTS TO DEBATE POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS General Approach BPs template Gantt chart
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE General focus of the project best practices exchange. Specific focus of the project deepen and better understand the reasons which leaded the undertaken mobility interventions, their impacts and the citizens mobility choices. EMPIRICAL Approach THEORETICAL Logical framework DPSIR model (Driving forces, Pressure, State, Impact and Response), conceived from the EU Institution as a relevant tool for the assessment and identification of policies development purposes: provide information on the different elements of DPSIR chain related to MMOVE project; to demonstrate the connections among each element; to estimate the effectiveness of the responses given.
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE DRIVER UMAN SYSTEM Work Goods and services PRESSURES Flows (use of natural resource, space, emissions, exhaust) STATE ENVIROMENT AL SYSTEM Pollution, Noise, Congestion, Car accident IMPACTS LOCAL Health, Goods, Landscape, Time GLOBAL Clime Population MITIGATION AND COMPENSATI ON ACTIONS Noise barrier ACTIONS ON MOBILITY OFFER Innovative, ICT Traditional and infrastructural ACTIONS ON MOBILITY DEMAND MANAGEMENT Legislation, Planning, Taxes, Benefit, Information, Marketing Urban system Economy – Social system RESPONSE / POLICY DPSIR model Bearing in mind the project aims, a model based on the concept of causality chains for data synthesis, could provide an useful approach for understanding the impact of existing sustainable mobility actions and for identifying appropriate solutions
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE 1.Identification and collection of the Best Practices (1 st Phase) This first step is aimed to identify 30 best practices in total, 20 from the partnership and 10 from other EU countries in order to: benchmark the process; learn from the previous experiences; develop practical data indicators to improve the learning process for the involved organizations; enhance the discussion; assess the quality of findings; provide more comparable results; provide practical outcomes of the project; provide input to develop a guide / tool for similar contest (MMOVE Policy tool box); According to this approach, the BP collection will be realized submitting a standardized and shared format/ template (subsequently in detail ppt)
MMOVE Project 2. Study Visits (2 nd Phase) The best practices collected will be shared among the project partners during the Best Practices Network Meeting. The six best practices selected, two for each strand, will be analyzed in a larger detail through Study Visits. 3. Feasibility studies to assess the transferability of good practices (3rd phase) After the selection phase each project partners assesses that the identified policy is applicable on its area. Afterwards, the good practices transferability will be assessed preparing feasibility studies and verifying the necessary adaptations. TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Study Visits
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Feasibility /transferability studies (share and exchange the undertaken intervention)
MMOVE Project This three-phase process will contribute to set up the “MMOVE Policy Tool Box” aims to: allow user to evaluate the impacts of existing actions on sustainable mobility; identify appropriate technologies, policies and/or institutional management options to point the citizens mobility choices taken under a given set of conditions; became an useful support for policy makers might to review the policies are carrying out and to drive next strategy and practices; identify both potential benefits and problems for each of the defined practices and options for enhancing or alleviating the potential effects. TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE MMOVE Tool Box, model proposed Step 1 Step 2 The first step has the aim to favor a previous screening among the features (the Driver) and the main urban and social-economics topics in relation to the macro- policies implemented in the field of mobility and transport. For each problems the MMOVE Policy toolbox will indicate the set of actions more suitable to facing them Step 2 propose a systematic approach. It will suggest the better intervention for each segments of demand (the Response). Proposed leverage has an own set of implementing tools (1, 2, 3, …)
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE ……. to next slide ….. Step 1
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February 2009 ……. from previous slide Step 2
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Details Annex 1 - Best Practices Collection Template Annex 2 - Study Visits Template (Part1, 2, 3) Annex 3 - Feasibility Study Template Discussion on Best Practise Template Annex 4 - Component 3_Gant Chart
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Annex 2 - Study Visits Template (Part1, 2, 3) – (November 2009 – April 2010) Selection criteria TWG role an support What TWG and SAG expect from you
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Annex 2 - Study Visits Template (Part1, 2, 3) Some suggestion for the elaboration of the SV template SV TEMPLATE PART 1 – SUBMISSION for HOSTING THE VISIT (Filled out by the partner interested in host the visit in his municipality) 1.Subject: identify the BP and the thematic related 2.Reason: why this case is important for the project 3.Schedule: favourite dates for the visit 4.Activities: what we would like to show during the visit (objectives, programme...) 5.Involved actors: who the participant partners will meet and will be able to interview during the visit (politicians, technical experts, decision makers, transport users) 6.Staff exchange (if applicable): short description of the staff exchange programme and organization we would like to organise also a staff exchange 7.Dissemination: how we will be able to disseminate the visit results at local level
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE SV TEMPLATE PART 2 – APPLICATION FORM (filled out by the partner interested in take part to the visit) Selection of the visit: which visit we would like to join and which BP we would like to deepen Expectations from the visit: what we hope to learn from the visit Portability: your opinion about the portability of the BP in your town Dissemination: how we will disseminate the visit results to our municipalities
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE SV TEMPLATE PART 3 – FINAL REPORT (Section A: filled out by the partner that hosted the visit, Section B: filled out by all the participant partners) SECTION A – general description of the visit (when, how, where,...) further relevant technical elements not already described in the BP collection template SECTION B – feedback from the partners took part in the visit what we learned from the visit how we will disseminate the results of our visit to our municipalities your opinion about the portability of the BP in your town.
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Annex 3 - Feasibility Study Template (April 2010 – September 2011) Problem: Transfer one of the best practice saw during the SV to a local context Which kind: MMOVE will analyze only light interventions practices, not involving infrastructural hard measures, within the following themes: Communication & awareness raising; Parking and traffic management and control; Public & collective transport. Tool: Transferability/feasibility study (level of intensity: it should represent a good basis for each partner to negotiate the future development of regional and local sustainable mobility policies and it will provide recommendations for transferring and implementing the intervention in its own area, using own cost). Who: All the Project Partners in two different phases.
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Annex 3 - Feasibility Study Template (April 2010 – September 2011) Phases: 1.Three city leaders will start the process of studying the transferability of the practice to their local situation; 2.Each of the city leaders will host a meeting with other partners interested in that theme explaining the process of transferring one practice to their local situation; 3.Each partner (not leader) will start the Transferability/feasibility study following the example of the three city leaders with the support of TWG.
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Annex 3 - Feasibility Study Template (April 2010 – September 2011) a) Summarize local plans and policies: collecting of existing plans and policies b) Status analysis: provide a comprehensive quantified baseline of the current status of mobility c) Scenario development: develop prospective scenarios inform and stimulate the discussion among stakeholders d) Vision, objectives and targets: develop a common vision between all local stakeholders, defining a clear, measurable and shared objectives e) Action and budget plan: choose set of policies and measures from the BPs collection and study visit results, suitable for your local situation, planning the allocation of resources (human, knowledge, funds) and the time framework. Proposed feasibility study tasks No Are all data available? Study adoption Yes
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE Annex 3 - Feasibility Study Template (April 2010 – September 2011) Main activities Self evaluation For each activity ask yourself which critical success factors (Ref. Section C of MMOVE Best Practice Template, pag. 17) are more relevant for the action, if they are present and how to reinforce them. a) Summarize local plans and policies: Research and analysis of policy and procedure documents on the local and regional transport and mobility. Research and analysis of planning documents and studies on the local transport and mobility. b) Status analysis: Retrieval of available data and their synthesis (care about town planning too). Select suitable indicators (preferably pick over the BPs indicators). Complementary data collection. Interpretation of results (correlations and comparisons).
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE c) Scenario development: Elaborate development trends and programmed measures. Formulate hypotheses for scenario building together with stakeholders (fi. do nothing, top and bottom scenario). Modelling of different scenarios. d) Vision, objectives and targets: Provide basic information to stakeholders. Realisation of stakeholder meetings, focus group, interviews.... Finalize specific and concrete mobility objectives referred to the vision. Adoption of indicators that are representative for the objectives set. e) Action and budget plan: Select and design measures strategies, instruments, tools, starting from the BPs and the Study Visits results and with the TWG and MMOVE PP support Plan the timing, the technical and the budget issues of measures (keep in mind the self evaluation output to allocate budget an resource, and the skills point out from the BPs collection in an analogous context). Presentation and discussion of the action plan with the stakeholders and citizen.
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February ) STRUCTURE
MMOVE Project Erika Fulgenzi Marche Region SVIM – Sviluppo Marche S.p.A Tel Fax Giovanni Romanini Marche Region SVIM – Sviluppo Marche S.p.A. Tel Fax TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February 2009 CONTACTS
MMOVE Project TWG1 - Brighton, 24/25 February 2009 Thank you for your attention!!