The Leaders-Are-Teachers Revolution Geoff Petty 2015
The leaders-are-teachers revolution Effect on student achievement: Average teacher0.40 Average teacher using best teaching methods0.60 – 1.00 We know how to double the rate of student learning!
The leaders-are-teachers revolution Effect on student achievement: Average teacher0.40 Average teacher using best teaching methods0.60 – 1.00 We know how to double the rate of student learning! What should a leader in FE do about this?
Where should I look for advice on leadership? Research reviews Best Evidence Syntheses Meta-studies
Viviane Robinson – BES: 2883 Leaders (2008) ‘School leadership and student outcomes’ Transformational leaders Instructional leaders
Transformational Set the vision, school goals, the expectations. Instructional support. Monitoring school activity Buffering staff from external demands Ensures that staffing is fair and equitable Easily accessible to students and staff Secures a high degree of autonomy for the staff Instructional Makes several formal classroom observations each year Interprets test scores with teachers Insists teachers collaborate the teaching programme across grades Insists teachers expect high proportions of their students to do well on achievement outcomes Insists and knows that class atmosphere is very conducive to learning for all students
Transformational Set the vision, school goals, the expectations. Instructional support. Monitoring school activity Buffering staff from external demands Ensures that staffing is fair and equitable Easily accessible to students and staff Secures a high degree of autonomy for the staff Instructional Makes several formal classroom observations each year Interprets test scores with teachers Insists teachers collaborate the teaching programme across grades Insists teachers expect high proportions of their students to do well on achievement outcomes Insists and knows that class atmosphere is very conducive to learning for all students
Viviane Robinson – BES: 2883 Leaders (2008) Transformational leaders: 0.11 Instructional leaders: 0.42 Effect strongest on teacher learning 0.84
John Hattie ‘Visible Learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses’ Leaders need to be ‘Learning Leaders’ How were students taught? How well did they learn it? How do we know? How can we improve instruction?
Helen Timperley (2008): BES on professional learning and development’ Teachers need to try new teaching approaches to fix the difficulties they have identified Teachers need to work in Communities of Practice Teachers’ assumptions about teaching and learning challenged
Helen Timperley (2008): BES on professional learning and development’ Teachers need to try new teaching approaches to fix the difficulties they have identified Teachers need to work in Communities of Practice Teachers’ assumptions about teaching and learning challenged Teachers need to do Supported Experiments
Helen Timperley’ BES on professional learning and development’ What knowledge and skills do our students need? What knowledge and skills do we as professionals need to meet students’ needs? Deepen professional knowledge and skills Engage students in new learning experiences What has been the impact of these changes?
Helen Timperley ‘Realising the Power of Professional Learning” (2011) “Teachers won’t engage in cycles of enquiry when they feel criticised, or put down for not being good enough” “Blame and shame are counterproductive to promote [teacher] learning”
Learning Do Managers Support or Control?
Learning Teachers Do Managers Support or Control?
Learning Managers Teachers Do Managers Support or Control?
Learning Principalship Managers Teachers Do Managers Support or Control?
Learning Principalship Managers Teachers Values Do Managers Support or Control?
Learning Principalship Managers Teachers Values Hierarchy Do Managers Support or Control?
Learning Principalship Managers Teachers Hierarchy
Helen Timperley’ BES on professional learning and development’ What knowledge and skills do our teachers need? What knowledge and skills leaders need to meet teachers’ needs? Deepen professional knowledge and skills Engage teachers in new learning experiences What has been the impact of these changes?
Yet more evidence for the revolution: Steven Pink ‘What motivates us at work?’ Autonomy: Mastery: Purpose: (Not blaming, grading, inspecting, controlling…)
time skill Learning a skill – K. Anders Ericsson
time skill no deliberate practice Learning a skill – K. Anders Ericsson
time skill no deliberate practice deliberate practice (Initial drop in skill due to an experiment)
time skill no deliberate practice deliberate practice (Initial drop in skill due to an experiment)
The leaders-are-teachers revolution Leaders are teachers - their ‘class’ is their teaching staff Their main aim is to help teachers to improve their teaching Challenge with support – tough love Focus on CPD: have a learning plan for teachers, and monitor this learning