Campaign History Three years of prayer, deliberation, consultation, and planning Feasibility Study 2004 Annual Conference vote Pledge Drive – April 2005 through May 2006
Campaign Vision To raise $10 Million to provide support for five areas of need: Congregational Development Pastoral Retirement Camps and Retreat Ministies International Covenants Local Churches
Campaign Results as of May 31, Churches = 2/3 of local churches Net Pledges of $14,619,162 »$2.5M – Pastoral Retirement pledges »$330K – other designated pledges »$3.4M – combined campaigns »$8.4M – undesignated pledges
Campaign Results as of May 31, 2011 Pledge Contributions Received to date: $10,761,830 = 73% of Net Pledges paid to date
Goals Achieved: Camps and Retreat Ministies “Together we see the transforming power of camps and retreat ministries illuminating the gifts of God within the Family of God…”
Camp Aldersgate
Camp Mechuwana
Camp Wanakee
Goals Achieved: Congregational Development “Together we understand our call and mission to make disciples for Jesus Christ…”
Congregational Development Grants supporting: Youth Ministries Local Church Outreach Programs Local Church Redevelopment Shared Ministry Initiatives Grant requests for 2011 due 9/15/11
Goals Achieved: Pastoral Retirement “Together we recognize responsibility to those members of the clergy who have dedicated their lives to evangelism and the achievement of God’s word.”
Preacher’s Aid Society Provided special matching grants in support of the Pastoral Retirement component of TFT: Totaling $2.5 Million!!
Goals Achieved: International Covenants “Together we realize the importance of sharing with our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua and West Angola the gifts that God has bestowed on us.”
Nicaragua Covenant Nandasmo Sewing Program (AICN) Las Flores Nutrition/Lunch Program (AICN)
Nicaragua Covenant Carlos Marxx Preschool Luncheon/ Nutrition Program (EMC) Amanacer Mobile Health Clinic
West Angola Covenant
Goals Achieved: Local Church Ministries “Together we know our potential as congregations to improve our communities through hands-on ministries.”
Local Church Ministries Combined Campaigns 39 Local Churches Raised $3.4M in pledges
Local Church Ministries Local Church Shares paid to date »$3.6M »Being used as designated by each local church
Capital Improvements
Youth Programs and Ministries Happy campers!
Mission Outreach to Communities
It’s Not Over Yet! $3.9M in outstanding pledge commitments: $1.4M from Preacher’s Aid for Pastoral Retirement $700K from combined campaign churches $1.8M from other individuals and churches
Where do we go from here? TFT Goals: »Support underfunded ministries within our conference and with our international covenants »Promote and deepen a faithful theology of generous giving
Where do we go from here? Goal #1 = Amazing success!! Goal #2 – What will TFT pledgers do now?
Where do we go from here? Increase pledging to local chuches Continued support for TFT campaign beneficieries Advanced Specials Many other opportunities for giving
Where do we go from here? God is always providing new and exciting opportunities to share in life-transforming and world-transforming ministries!
THANK YOU!! For your faithful and generous giving in support of the Together for Tomorrow Campaign