ASPERA-2 WP2: Extension of the network and update of the status of Astroparticle Physics  Objectives  Structure  Tasks  Milestones & Deliverables Kickoff.


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Presentation transcript:

ASPERA-2 WP2: Extension of the network and update of the status of Astroparticle Physics  Objectives  Structure  Tasks  Milestones & Deliverables Kickoff meeting of ASPERA 2, DESY, July 7 th ’ 09Bijan Saghai, CEA-Saclay

22 Context  Objectives:  Continue moving towards the advent of a unique European voice of national funding agencies in Astroparticle Physics.  Formulate recommendations on synchronization in the decision making process for major projects.  Foster networking among existing institutions.  ASPERA collaborates closely / interacts / exchanges with: ApPEC :  funding agencies ;  EC, ESFRI, neighbor fields, beyond EU. Decision making bodies in countries not (yet?) members of ASPERA / ApPEC. Directors of relevant infrastructures. ApP community: PIs of various sizable projects. Roadmap / Scientific body for ApP.  Risks?

33 WP2  Structure of WP2: Coordination: CEA. Participant partners: France (CEA & CNRS), The Netherlands (FOM), Germany (PT-DESY), Poland (NCBiR), Spain (MICINN), Italy (INFN), Croatia (NZZ), Romania (IFIN-HH). 3 Tasks: 3 milestones & 5 deliverables Manpower: 36.5 pm Duration: 36 months

44 WP2 – Task 1 (Leader PT-DESY/BMBF)  Extension of the Network in Europe Extend the network, stay in contact with all European countries with visible activities in ApP, in particular non-participating countries. PT-DESY will maintain the Contact Office (CO): contact point for funding agencies interested to join the network or be informed about the network activity CO: assists in the accession process for new partners, organizes information visits... Six information visits planned.

55 WP2 – Task 2 (Leader FOM, assisted by MICINN)  Present status of research processing and funding in Europe Census on research processing and funding, shall be extended by interviewing funding organizations and/or researchers in non-participating countries: e.g., Austria, Hungary, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Slovakia… National Days shall be continued and completed; new partners: Croatia, Slovenia… Visits to funding organizations in non-partner countries and interview program managers / researchers to collect information on research processing and funding. Update and deepen the existing report of ASPERA-1 on the status and methodology of funding of ApP in EU. Four National Days: two for partners of ASPERA-2 (NZZ and ARRS); two for agencies seriously consider joining ASPERA-2: Austria & Hungary.

66 WP2 – Task 3 (Leader CEA, assisted by PT-DESY/BMBF)  Networking of existing institutions Contribute to: Establish a common strategy for deploying the new generation of experiments. Assess the future demands for underground laboratory space in Europe. Create a solid intergovernmental structure to advocate to a central authority the resources and the scientific program. Develop a collaboration on an European level that allows the underground labs to speak with one voice and establish a common strategy. Define a model for a possible linking. Questionnaire related to the above defined five actions  interviews with Labs / Facilities Directors and PIs. Based on the subsequent analysis domains of new collaborative managerial and administrative work shall be identified. The results will be presented and discussed during a concluding workshop. Outcome  input to WP5: define common actions towards the opening of facilities and the creation of standards for project management, accounting, and controlling.

77 WP2 – Milestones & Deliverables  Milestones  Final version of the questionnaire (M-6)  Completion of interviews (M-12)  Accession of new contractors (M-24)  Deliverables Report based on questionnaire / interviews with Labs/Facilities Directors & PIs. (M-18) Update of the ASPERA-1 report on present status of research processing and funding in Europe (M-18) Annual reports (M-12, 24, 36)