PLAN Brief recapitulation of WAEMU Major WAEMU Reforms related to land issues Stakes and challenges for WAEMU WAEMU study on rural land issue in the face of challenges to integration Regional Land Observatory Conclusion
- 3.5 million Km² - 81 million inhabitants - 33% GDP of West Africa - Population (60% < 25 years) BRIEF RECAPITULATION OF WAEMUTogo Benin Burkina Faso Senegal Mali Guinea Bissau Côte d’Ivoire Niger
BRIEF RECAPITULATION OF WAEMU (continued) OBJECTIVES Strengthen economic competitiveness in an open market and a harmonised legal environment Converge performances and economic policies of Member States Create a common market with the free movement of goods, services, capital and persons and the right for people to exercise an independent or paid activity ; Coordinate national sectorial policies and implement common sectorial policies; Harmonise the laws of Member States in the economic domain
MAJOR WAEMU REFORMS RELATED TO LAND ISSUES 1.The Common Agricultural Policy (C.A.P) adopted in 2001 in Dakar Objective Contribute in a sustainable manner to satisfy the food needs of the population, to the economic and social development of Member States and to poverty reduction
MAJOR WAEMU REFORMS RELATED TO LAND ISSUES 1. The Common Agricultural Policy (continued) Axes of intervention axis 1: Adapt production systems and improve the production environment axis 2: Deepen the common market into the agricultural sector and manage shared resources axis 3: Insert agriculture into the regional and world market
MAJOR WAEMU REFORMS RELATED TO LAND ISSUES 2. The common market Objective Eliminate in the trade between member countries, customs duties, quantitative restrictions at entry and exit, taxes having equivalent effects and all other measures of equivalent effects likely to affect these transactions (free movement of goods)
MAJOR WAEMU REFORMS RELATED TO LAND ISSUES 2. The common market (continued) Establish a common external tarrif (CET) Implement the principles of the free movement of persons, establishment and provision of services as well as that of the free movement of capital
MAJOR WAEMU REFORMS RELATED TO LAND ISSUES 3. The policy of the development of community territory (PDCT) Objective Introduce and strengthen between the different national and community policies, the convergence, coherence and harmony necessary for a sustainable and balanced development to the Union.
MAJOR WAEMU REFORMS RELATED TO LAND ISSUES Among the specific objectives - ensuring the consistency of common sectoral policies; - the optimum use, exploitation and development of areas, natural resources, large-scale facilities plans, as well as regional dynamics on a complementarity basis
WAEMU STAKES AND CHALLENGES The provisions of the Treaty and some reforms concern the Union on land issues 1.Adapted and efficient land systems What effects to expect? > Capital attractive: investment growth: contribution to productivity and agricultural production improvement: renewed interest for land markets hence of the Union market; (PAU, MC objectives)
WAEMU STAKES AND CHALLENGES Contribution to the exploitation and development of rural areas: promotion of a balanced development of the Union’s territory (PATC objectives)
WHY A STUDY ON RURAL LAND 1. Context and justification Context of numerous land initiatives –CILSS conferences (Praia 1994/ Bamako 2003) –World Bank study (2004) –EU Guidelines (2004)… Confirmation of integration initiatives –ICARD/ FAO –LPI/ AU- AEC- AfDB… Emerging phenomena –Food crisis –Energy crisis (Use of land for biofuel) –African land rush
WHY A STUDY ON RURAL LAND 1. Context and justification (continued) WAEMU: accelerate integration –competitiveness; common market –Convergence; common actions; harmonisation… Land issues of the process –Concerted management of cross-border natural resources –Migration and transborder transhumance –Common market: Common policies (PAU; PATC…); free movement; right of establishment
WHY A STUDY ON RURAL LAND 1. Context and justification (continued) Demography: Towards a doubling of the population in 2050 Migrations: internal/external movements Urbanisation: a soon-to-be predominantly urban population Globalisation and confrontation at international markets
WHY A STUDY ON RURAL LAND 2. Objective Begin a preliminary informative reflection; Question the comparative advantages of the Union; That should lead to more in-depth analyses on land connection and regional integration; And lead to directions / recommendations to WAEMU and the Member States for sustained and concerted action with regard to land
WHY A STUDY ON RURAL LAND 3. Action -Documentary study in Re-updating in Regional validation workshop by the role players -New road map
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE STUDY The WAEMU Commission, executive body of the Union, positions itself as a facilitator and assistant of the national land processes under way in its Member States; WAEMU must especially work towards the promotion of national land reforms compatible with the Union’s objectives (creation of a common market)
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMANDATIONS OF THE STUDY The action plan was adopted around four main areas of intervention: Axis 1: Appropriation of the WAEMU initiative by Member States and strategic partners; dissemination of the study / organization of technical workshops on the axes of intervention; Working visits within the States (needs; priorities; topics of common interest); Cooperation with sub regional organizations (ECOWAS); CILSS; BCEAO; BOAD; OHADA; AU…).
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMANDATIONS OF THE STUDY Axis 2: Implementation of a structure of documentation, information, monitoring-evaluation and decision support: Regional Land Observatory in West Africa (ORFAO). Axis 3: Support to the strengthening of regional capacities in matters relating to land. Axis 4 : Assistance to Member States regarding the promotion and regulation of land markets.
REGIONAL LAND OBSERVATORY IN WEST AFRICA - Objectives: Within the context of the WAEMU, the Observatory will play an informative and advisory role on land issues, provide decision support and the progressive harmonisation of policies as well as provide advice in matters relating to land policies; The Observatory should also contribute to the collaborative/concerted identification of in-depth topics, the establishment of task forces and the organisation of regular technical workshops
REGIONAL LAND OBSERVATORY IN WEST AFRICA - Objectives(continued) for the construction of common positions on strategic land issues such as those relating to the new land rush or those relating to climate change. Another component that would support the Observatory would be the development and experimentation of common indicators for monitoring-evaluation of policies and legislation
REGIONAL LAND OBSERVATORY IN WEST AFRICA - Main tasks of the Observatory: Compile relevant and up-to-date land documentation and ensure the flow of information at the level of the Member States of WAEMU; Ensure implementation and circulation of studies on common land problems or those felt by the Member States of WAEMU, and
REGIONAL LAND OBSERVATORY IN WEST AFRICA -Main tasks of the Observatory (continued): - Identify the relevant response routes for submission for consideration by the States; -Support documentation, capitalisation and dissemination of good practices from the pilot experiences of innovative land management;
REGIONAL LAND OBSERVATORY IN WEST AFRICA Main tasks of the Observatory (continued): Promote the development of land indicators and monitoring-evaluation activities of the implementation of land policies and legislation in the Union.
REGIONAL LAND OBSERVATORY IN WEST AFRICA A feasibility study would allow for the definition of the institutional contours of the Observatory, specify its intervention scope and the modalities of its operation.
CONCLUSION The process has begun, which indicates a strong political will. It has to be pursued by implicating all players concerned with the issue of rural land. It is also necessary to maintain highly effective communication around this central but very sensitive issue for economic and social integration at the regional level.