Instructional Leadership Differentiated Skills Block with Words Their Way Instructional Leadership in Literacy Series Saint Paul Public Schools The Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development
Vision for 2011-2012 District-wide focus on deepening the implementation of the Skills Block supported with Bookshop Phonics (K & 1), Bookshop Phonics Intervention (gr.2-5), Words Their Way for Word Study, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction (gr. 2-5). Deepen implementation of small group instructional strategies aligned to students’ stages of reading development: Oral Language Reading, Small Group Shared Reading, Guided Instructional Reading, Reciprocal Reading. Use DataZone as an assessment management, instructional planning, and progress monitoring tool. Focus on instructional implications of student data on a daily basis. Job-embedded professional development provided by building literacy coaches and district Reading Instruction Specialists Support literacy-focused PLCs with the Data-Teams Process. Development of the Instructional Leadership in Literacy Series to support principals with data analysis and literacy instruction look-fors.
Skills Block Links to Readers Workshop and Writers Workshop Kindergarten and Grade 1: Mondo Bookshop Phonics Grades 2-6: Words Their Way and Bookshop Phonics Intervention for identified students.
Session Goals Analyze the data points that are used to differentiate instruction in Words Their Way. Identify the key elements of Words Their Way and view a demonstration lesson. Discuss structures that support the implementation of Words Their Way.
DataZone Tina- go to website
Linking Words Their Way to the Common Core Standards
Words Their Way Developmentally driven approach to word study Links word study to the texts students are reading Provides a systematic scope and sequence of word-level skills: Alphabet ---Pattern---Meaning Provides multiple hands-on opportunities to manipulate word features that allow students to generalize beyond isolated, individual examples to entire groups of words that are spelled the same way Effective and engaging vocabulary instruction
The Difference Bookshop Intervention Phonics Short-term intensive instruction (80 Lessons or less) Instruction determined, based on student need (students grouped at lessons 1, 21 or 41) Includes phonemic awareness, letter recognition, phonics and word recognition Immediately applied to connected text Words Their Way Students move through 3 stages of spelling--each stage can take 2 years Teacher directed lesson, partner practice and independent practice Instruction determined, based upon developmental stage of spelling Phonics, vocabulary and spelling instruction
Key Elements of Words Their Way Sorts Constructivist learning and teacher-directed instruction Talk to make discoveries and form generalizations Practice a sort 6-8 times independently and with a buddy Reflect Word Study Notebook Progress Monitoring Transfer to Meaningful Reading and Writing
Assessment: Harold’s
Harold’s Assessment Composite
How to make groups
Standard Weekly Routines
Teacher Directed Lesson Plan Demonstrate Sort and Check Reflect Extend
Lesson Plan
Video Look- Fors
Video Debrief What did you notice? What do you wonder about?
A Tour of a Word Study Notebook
Weekly Schedule: Sample
Progress Monitoring Spelling Inventory (3x a year) Weekly Spelling Feature Test End of Unit Test Spell Checks Writing Samples across curricular areas
Lessons Learned… It takes time…Go slow to go fast! Minimum of three days with a sort, with a minimum of 6-8 opportunities to practice each sort Material organization Use of progress monitoring Scheduling
Tools for Implementation Core Words Their Way text Word Sorts Books Video clips Walkthrough Criteria SPPS Words Their Way Launch Family Letter Directions for Student Sorts Weekly Schedule Sample
For Teachers
For Principals
Elementary Literacy Website Password: elpg Tina