Raising Boys Achievement In Writing By Anna McAlister Sladefield Infant School We are a 4 form entry infant school. 76% have Pakistani backgrounds. 74% speak English as an additional language.
Setting the Scene We are a Year 1 class. There are 17 girls and 13 boys in class 8. 9 children are on the SEN register. Of the 30 children in the class 27 are from Pakistani backgrounds. Class 8
Meet The Focus Group HamzaKhalidUsamah Wasim Haroon Hanan What You Need To Know About Us Disengaged writers. Lack of confidence. Poor behaviour.
Films Chosen And Why The Snow Queen Exciting fantasy story. 10 year old boy. Evil character. Writing outcome. Nanny McPhee Modern Fairytale. Badly behaved characters. Humour. Writing outcome
Planning (Creative) Two 3 week units of work (incorporating creative ideas) Snow QueenNanny McPhee Techniques / Activities Used Still clips Conscience Alley Talking partners Group drama True / False statements Hot seating Brainstorming Camera angles Music Guided writing Modelled writing
Planning Continued Creative Planning ICT ART D.T. ROLE PLAY AREA PHSE GEOGRAHY HISTORY
What Was Achieved Writing levels Awe and Wonder Impact on pupils Impact on colleagues Impact on class teacher Cross curricular impact PHSE Thinking skills
What did the staff think about using visual literacy? Visual Literacy The boys especially would comment on the plot and how and why the characters behaved as they did. The development of language, especially the boys and …Children was noticeable. Films were frequently discussed outside of the classroom i.e. in the playground and at home. The children’s writing improved. They used a far wider vocabulary to describe events and characters. I thought getting the children to discuss camera angles and music effects would be beyond their capabilities but the results were fantastic. It has really improved the children’s listening skills.
What did OFSTED say? The use of interactive white boards helps pupils to concentrate and understand what is being said. An example was the use of the Snow Queen film, in an excellent year 1 lesson, to deepen pupils understanding of the different parts of stories.
Evaluation by the children I am happy because I did all the writing myself and it is all good stuff and I enjoyed it. If you listen to the DVD a lot you learn speaking English better. It makes you know it better in your head before you write it. I am happy because I am working very hard at my writing now and I like doing it. Talking about the pictures was good. It gave you ideas. My writing is better because I watched the DVD and now I’ve got it in my head. I dream about the films. Talking about the films is fun. Watching, Listening, Drawing, Painting and Making things make you know about the people.
Where to now? Year 1 staff Presentation Other staff