Celebratory Learning Highlights of the Research, Theory, and Practices to Promote Celebratory Learning for All Occasions
Celebratory Learning Web This interactive web in the next slide illustrates the research and theories we have woven together to bring to life Celebratory Learning. The web provides active links so you can access information directly related to the focus area. Celebratory Learning continues to evolve in response to our developing understanding of engaging learners in the most effective ways to promote learning for all.
CAST Brain Research Differentiated Instruction Universal Design Humor & Resiliency Personality Types Isabel Briggs Myers David M. Kiersey Renata & Geoffrey Caine Robert Sylwester Eric Jensen Pat Wolfe Leslie Hart Basic Needs Horham Maslow William Glasser Wendy Mobilia Susan Kovlik Gayle Gregory Diane Heacox Carolyn Chapman Carol Ann Tomlinson H. Stephen Glenn Jane Nelson Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner Daniel Goleman David Lazear Thomas Armstrong Diane Loomans Karen Kolberg Steve & Sybil Wolin David & Roger Johnson Problem Based Learning James Bean Environmental Influences Learning Styles Rita & Ken Dunn Bernice McCarthy Judy Wood Kathleen Butler Tony Gregoric Curriculum Design Thematic Integrated Instruction Spencer Kagan Cooperative Learning Marian Diamond Celebratory Learning
CELEBRATORY LEARNING Positive interdependence Individual accountability Simultaneous interaction Connections to previous learning Theme-based learning Need based learning Brain compatible environment Play and Humor Learning Community Celebrating the learner & the learning Attributes of Celebratory Learning
Positive Interdependence and Individual Accountability These are qualities that are often supported through the use of cooperative learning structures. Built into these structures educators infuse roles, feedback loops, ground rules, and skill development activities to help students recognize that more can be accomplished with individuals are working together drawing on the differences of perception, ways of knowing, and strengths and passions. Also built into the structures are ways to promote individual accountability. The educator does not leave the student group to their devices to promote the level of responsibility. It is built into the task.
Simultaneous Interaction Simultaneous Interaction is the opportunity for discussion, reflection, and participation throughout the meeting/ lesson. In most classrooms or meetings one or two individuals share the majority of information. Simultaneous interaction allows individuals and small groups to discuss process, make sense, question, and promote deeper understand of the issues at hand. There are a variety of structures a teacher or facilitator can use to promote and support relevant and stimulating interactions to deepen understanding of information, allowing for connections to previous learnings or deconstruction/ reconstruction of new information.
Theme-Based Connections to Previous Learning Theme-based learning ground the learner into a deeper context for the activities. Many schools use grade-level theme, cross-curricular themes and so forth to deepen the level of learning and create a relevant and multi- curricular connection with a topic. This approach is heavily infused into a constructivist approach to learning. It is important to help the learner understand how this new learning connect to or challenges previous levels of knowledge. This approach allows the learner to build off of what they know and are able to do, while expanding their skills and knowledge base in the area.
Need Based Learning There are many preferences, needs, or strengths to consider as one is planning a learning session. Some of the ways learners differ is through: The questions they tend to ask; Their preferred intelligence (Multiple Intelligence theory); The social emotional needs of the learner (Maslow’s Hierarchy and Emotional Intelligence ) The learner preferred mode of accessing information (VAK) Group Preferences (Myers Brigs and Jung); and Brain-based learning research.
Celebratory Learning This short PowerPoint just gives you some insight into the ways in which we try to integrate the research in a variety of areas of teaching and learning to inform engagement, instruction, and assessment. The rest of this seminar is designed to provide you information to more fully inform what you do, model, and say with your staff.