Catshill Middle School


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Presentation transcript:

Catshill Middle School Strategic Improvement Plan “Achievement” “Challenge” “Opportunity”

Enquiry & Discovery School Tell them Show them Let them find out for themselves

Sharing best practice Capacity to improve Sharing best practice Areas of expertise within school Coaching in place: extend from Sept using support from LA increased capacity from

Consistency is key Marking policy reviewed Sept 2013 Evidence of exemplary marking – moderated by LA Main focus English, Maths, Humanities and Science Focus extended to all subjects NOW Embedded by Dec 2014 Special emphasis on Close the Gap comments and R2M

Pupil Conferencing: because information is power! Strengthening pupil voice School council, book trawls, lesson observations More learning based conversations: books, style of lesson, ways in which they like to learn More formal opportunities for more pupils to discuss their learning experiences and needs Pupil pursuit – a day in the life of a CMS pupil

Priority 1: Improve teaching and achievement by: providing work which challenges all pupils, especially the most able, to make good or better progress in all subjects applying the new marking policy consistently well, so that pupils know how to improve their work giving pupils more opportunities to deepen their understanding, for example through questioning in class providing opportunities for extended writing in all year groups Key milestones   From June 2014 to be achieved by July 2014 All staff aware of our “Developing enquiry and discovery” vision as an extension of Catshill’s Achievement, Challenge and Opportunity ethos An increasing number of high quality examples across a range of subjects, year groups and pupil groups have quality Close the Gap comments and R2M. Middle Leaders report to SLT regarding progress within their KS/subject areas From Sept 2014 to be achieved by Dec 2014 Our vision “Developing enquiry and discovery” has been developed through discussion, reflection and action. Learning Environments have been critically evaluated and a Catshill Blueprint for all classrooms agreed by teachers. Expectations of all groups of pupils have been raised, to ensure heightened engagement of learners. Across all subjects & year groups marking will be consistent, with clear “close the gap” comments which impacts positively on pupil progress and quality of work. From Jan 2015 to be achieved by April 2015 Our vision “Developing enquiry and discovery” is beginning to underpin our thinking. All new decisions are made in the light of our vision. Staff routinely use a range of questioning techniques to stimulate learning and engagement. From May 2015 to be achieved by July 2015 Our vision, “Developing enquiry and discovery” increasingly underpins all that we do. Staff have a common vocabulary to express what our vision means and what it looks like. Teachers and Pupils use the revised Learning Environment to support independent learning Pupils have a developing range of high level questions which extend their thinking. Improved progress in all subjects. Accelerated progress in writing across all groups when compared to Summer Term 2014 Summative Evaluation Strategies Half-termly reports by Middle Leaders and UPS teachers in relation to monitoring learning, including: planning, work scrutinies and pupil conferencing. Half-termly reports by SLT in relation to monitoring lesson observations, planning and work scrutiny made to governor sub committee. Half termly analysis and evaluation of assessment data

to make good or better progress in all subjects 1.1 Provide work which challenges all pupils, especially the most able, to make good or better progress in all subjects Train staff to plan a series of tasks/and or different starting points taking into account prior learning. b) Planning incorporates a series of tasks/and or different starting points c) Steps to Success (S2S) clearly inform all pupils what they need to do to make progress d) Teachers identify and support underperforming pupils. M1 meeting Yr6/8 English & Yr6/8 Maths focus upon underperforming pupils; actions & concerns. Begin additional support to enable target achievement. e) Analyse current Yr5 & Yr7 data to identify and support underperforming pupils. f) Train staff regarding the use of learning walls All teachers to provide and train pupils to use learning walls g) Strengthen lesson credit use. Separate work credit from behaviour points. Credit will monitor behaviour 4 learning (B4L) and will be lost for lack of engagement and/or contribution to lessons

how to improve their work 1.2 Apply the new marking policy consistently well, so that pupils know how to improve their work a) Embed high quality learning based targets which inform pupils how to improve their work. b) Pupils will be given appropriate time to respond to teacher comments (R2M). Pupils not using this time correctly will have lesson credit removed.

1.3 Give pupils more opportunities to deepen their understanding, for example through questioning in class a) Train all staff on questioning styles and techniques b) Staff utilise training techniques in lessons to deepen understanding c) Strengthen 3B4ME strategy

1.4 Provide opportunities for extended writing in all year groups. Staff plan suitable opportunities for Yr6 & Yr8 extended writing in Humanities and Science as well as English b) Staff plan suitable opportunities for extended writing in Humanities and Science as well as English for all year groups

Priority 1: Improve teaching and achievement by: providing work which challenges all pupils, especially the most able, to make good or better progress in all subjects applying the new marking policy consistently well, so that pupils know how to improve their work giving pupils more opportunities to deepen their understanding, for example through questioning in class providing opportunities for extended writing in all year groups Key milestones   From June 2014 to be achieved by July 2014 All staff aware of our “Developing enquiry and discovery” vision as an extension of Catshill’s Achievement, Challenge and Opportunity ethos An increasing number of high quality examples across a range of subjects, year groups and pupil groups have quality Close the Gap comments and R2M. Middle Leaders report to SLT regarding progress within their KS/subject areas From Sept 2014 to be achieved by Dec 2014 Our vision “Developing enquiry and discovery” has been developed through discussion, reflection and action. Learning Environments have been critically evaluated and a Catshill Blueprint for all classrooms agreed by teachers. Expectations of all groups of pupils have been raised, to ensure heightened engagement of learners. Across all subjects & year groups marking will be consistent, with clear “close the gap” comments which impacts positively on pupil progress and quality of work. From Jan 2015 to be achieved by April 2015 Our vision “Developing enquiry and discovery” is beginning to underpin our thinking. All new decisions are made in the light of our vision. Staff routinely use a range of questioning techniques to stimulate learning and engagement. From May 2015 to be achieved by July 2015 Our vision, “Developing enquiry and discovery” increasingly underpins all that we do. Staff have a common vocabulary to express what our vision means and what it looks like. Teachers and Pupils use the revised Learning Environment to support independent learning Pupils have a developing range of high level questions which extend their thinking. Improved progress in all subjects. Accelerated progress in writing across all groups when compared to Summer Term 2014 Summative Evaluation Strategies Half-termly reports by Middle Leaders and UPS teachers in relation to monitoring learning, including: planning, work scrutinies and pupil conferencing. Half-termly reports by SLT in relation to monitoring lesson observations, planning and work scrutiny made to governor sub committee. Half termly analysis and evaluation of assessment data

subjects and, when necessary, take timely action to raise them 2.1 leaders at all levels show consistently high expectations when checking standards in all subjects and, when necessary, take timely action to raise them Middle leaders to have regular progress meetings with SLT to report on standards, actions and impact Pastoral Leaders monitor credits, spot trends and ensure class teachers are acting upon issues. c) Train middle leaders & UPS staff to scrutinise exercise books to ensure good quality targets and R2M d) Subject UPS staff monitor books within their subject and report to SLT e) Middle leaders observe lessons with LA, external consultant and SLT to train and standardise monitoring against teaching standards.

2.2 judgments on the school’s performance are accurate and securely based on all available evidence a) Data analysis training undertaken by SLT b) Data analysis systems created using SIMS to make data readily available across the school. Data dashboards shared each half term with staff using their data capture points. c) SLT to produce an analysis of Raise On Line (ROL) to inform future priority planning to be used alongside the schools own ongoing data analysis d) School Moderates Yr 6 SATs Writing and Yr8 English & Maths e) To further clarify the difference between a good and requires improvement lesson

2.3 all teachers share a clear understanding of how to improve the effectiveness of their teaching. Training will focus upon key messages (common vocabulary of what good T&L look like) which will be monitored and embedded within a time scale. Clear understanding of the Ofsted evaluation schedule for “Quality of Teaching” and “Achievement of pupils”.