Review of 2013 Bangkok Consultation and Linkages to Regional Frameworks and Processes Eric Zusman The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies August 19, 2014
Roadmap 2013 Bangkok Consultation Progress Since the Consultation Linkages to Regional Frameworks and Processes Key Messages
CCAC Launched in Feb 2012: Action Oriented Coalition of the Working
CCAC and Partners Hold Bangkok Consultation on SLCPs on 4-5 February, Raise Awareness 2. Strengthen Policy Integration 3. Catalyse and Scale Action
Consultation Highlights that Benefits of SLCP Mitigation in Asia are Huge
Bangkok Consultation Recommendations: National Policymakers 5.Consider joining or participating in CCAC initiatives 6.Consider integration of SLCPs into policy/planning processes 7.Accelerate and incentivize action to reduce SLCPs 8.Consider ways of financing SLCP- relevant initiatives 1.Raise awareness of the science of SLCPs 2.Strengthen monitoring of SLCPs/other air pollutants 3.Identify key sources, environmental and development impacts 4.Share knowledge and experiences relating to SLCPs
Bangkok Consultation Recommendations: Regional Initiatives and the CCAC For Regional Institutions 1.Create a forum for SLCP action 2.Coordinate SLCP responses with existing agreements 3.Integrate SLCPs into sectoral discussions, including health For the CCAC 1.Assist in improving the science in the region 2.Integrate Asia-Pacific priorities into CCAC actions 3.Deepen and expand collaboration with existing initiatives
Consultation Highlights Other Regional Priorities: The Role of PM2.5 and Transboundary Pollution Zhang et al, 2002
Consultation Highlights Other Regional Priorities: The Role of NOX and VOCs
Progress Since the Bangkok Consultation CategoryFeb 2013August 2014 # of CCAC Partners51 Partners (13 State and 28 Non State) 93 Partners (38 State and 55 Non State) # of CCAC Partners in Asia 3 Partners5 Partners SLCP National Action Plans First Action Plan BeginningAction Plan Complete in Bangladesh and beginning in Maldives Capacity Building Beginning Regional Assessment for SLCPs in Asia Discussions StartedLikely to Begin in 2015
Developments Since the Bangkok Meeting Source: Bond et al, 2013
UN Environment Assembly: Poor Air Quality Linked to 7 Million Deaths Annually Source: World Health Organization, 2013 Other Recent Developments…..
Still Scope for Integration in Climate Policies in Asia
Also Scope for Integration with Air Pollution Policies in Asia
Several Organizations Could Support Integration
Informal networks could support policy integration A platform to improve information sharing and stakeholder dialogue on co-benefits in Asia. Goal: mainstreaming of co-benefits into decision-making processes in Asia.
Several other regional initiatives could support policy integration
New areas for partnership forming: TEMM The Ministers welcomed the First Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution held in Beijing on March They supported specific areas of future cooperation identified in the dialogue, including exchange of experience regarding control and management of VOCs and off- road vehicle pollution. They also agreed on concrete cooperative measures such as sharing air pollution control policies, exchanging best practices, control technologies and assessment methodologies. Recognizing the dialogue as an effective platform for sharing information and fostering partnership, they agreed to hold the dialogue on a regular basis and promote further development. In addition, they concurred in reporting the dialogues' summary to Directors General Meeting (DGM) for TEMM. They noted that the next meeting will be hosted by Korea in 2015.
Next steps for CCAC /Partners: aligning these initiatives so they can strengthen policy integration and catalyze and scale action
Critical next steps for this meeting 1.Firmly anchor work on SLCPs in the environmental and health agenda with explicit links to the ASEAN Health and Ministers Work Plan Deepen knowledge of SLCP control options to provide actionable inputs into the Work Plan and other initiatives
Key Messages Following Launching of CCAC, Bangkok Consultation Convened to Help Raise Awareness, Support Policy Integration, and Catalyze and Scale Action Bangkok Consultation Provides 14 Key Recommendations; also Highlights Unique Characteristics of Asia Since Consultation, Some Progress in Membership in CCAC, Action Planning, and Possible Regional Assessment Related Developments Can Also Spur Progress—UNEA Focus on Air Pollution Still Scope for Policy Integration in Climate and Air Pollution Policies in Asia Need to Ensure Regional Initiatives Are Supporting Policy Integration Leading to Concrete Actions Explicit Links with Env/Health Work Plan Backs by Actionable Inputs for Key Sectors will not only SLCPs but Improve the Well-Being of Millions of People
Some pollutants warm while others cool the atmosphere Source: Unger et al, 2009