By; Yvette Ramirez
Born December 4, 1875 in Prague Called Sophia and forced to wear dresses until five Was placed in the military school: St. Pölten and Mahrisch-Weisskirchenn, then transferred over to a German preparatory school Leben und Leider Charles University Left university and traveled to Munich Worked and was friends with Auguste Rodin Spent much of his life travelling: Italy, Spain, France, Egypt, etc. Moved back to Munich during WWI Died December 29, 1926 in Switzerland
Created the “Object Poem”- described material objects in his poetry The love/connection between a man and a woman Religion During the time of WWI: despair and loss
The future: time's excuse to frighten us; too vast a project, too large a morsel for the heart's mouth. Future, who won't wait for you? Everyone is going there. It suffices you to deepen the absence that we are.
The unknown scares every one depicts the idea that the future is too large to predict, control, or comprehend Why is this part posed as a question? -Is it sarcasm? Everyone is going, and when tomorrow comes you’ll be there anyway. Will we move with time or stay in the past because it’s what we know? The future continues, the present grows, memories deepen, and a little more of us is gone everyday, -the more you know the more you understand how much you don’t know The future: time's excuse to frighten us; too vast a project, too large a morsel for the heart's mouth. Future, who won't wait for you? Everyone is going there. It suffices you to deepen the absence that we are.