American Literature Per. 1, 2, 3, 5 Wednesday Thursday 10-23-1013 10-24-13 Objective: Use open-ended questions and active listening to broaden and deepen your understanding of the seminar’s central question. AGENDA 1. HW Out: Letters from an American Farmer, pages 7.5-15 annotated; socratic seminar prep (3 questions) 2. Bell Work Review: Vocabulary Lessons 1 & 2 3. Class Activities -Random Partner Score (handout) for Crevecoeur pages 7.5-15. -Document File Activity: Teacher-led debrief questions as opening for Socratic seminar. -Socratic Seminar “four corners” groups. Find your spot. Use the prep and scoring sheet to start your seminar. Homework: Study for bellwork quiz. Use seminar notes to type or write in ink a one-page reflection.
Vocabulary – Words in the Block Wanting acceptance among her Puritan peers, the unseemly ___________ forgot to be ___________ and commenced a ____________ on the pure ways of educating young people, a ____________, given the congregation’s focus on the topic of repairing the meeting house roof, had failed to be __________ during winter rains. Nouns adjectives precursor pernicious non sequitur nefarious sycophant demure diatribe ubiquitous slipshod Impregnable
Score your Crevecoeur Annotations Create and exit card tally sheet that looks like this: Crevecoeur Annotations Partner Check Period #____ Annotator’s Name_____________________________ Checker’s Name:______________________________ 1. There were _____ Main idea (MI) annotations. 2. I found ______ SI (supporting idea) annotations. 3. I noticed ______ !? (Interesting idea/curious question annotations) 4. One of those questions is copied here: 5. I found ______ Evidence ( E ) annotations. 6. I observed ______ ? (Confused about) annotations. 7. The reader/annotator had at least two annotations on each listed page: (list the page numbers 1-15, individually)
Debrief the DFA What quote stood out for you? (Provide context – source name and author name) Why? What historical events propelled the move from Puritan to Age of Reason period? How did the concept of man’s purpose or duty change? How did the concept of who holds authority change? How did the concept of the American hero change? How did the form and style of the literature change?
Seminar: What Accounts for the Change from the Puritan to the Age of Reason Period? SET UP Arrange in 3 Groups: Seats 1-12, 13-25, 26-36 Circles at points of the triangle – see drawing.
American Literature Per. 1, 2, 3, 5 Wednesday Thursday 10-23-1013 10-24-13 Objective: Use open-ended questions and active listening to broaden and deepen your understanding of the seminar’s central question. AGENDA 1. HW Out: Letters from an American Farmer, pages 7.5-15 annotated; socratic seminar prep (3 questions) 2. Bell Work Review: Vocabulary Lessons 1 & 2 3. Class Activities -Random Partner Score (handout) for Crevecoeur pages 7.5-15. -Document File Activity: Teacher-led debrief questions as opening for Socratic seminar. -Socratic Seminar “four corners” groups. Find your spot. Use the prep and scoring sheet to start your seminar. Homework: Study for bellwork quiz. Use seminar notes to type or write in ink a one-page reflection.