By Huong and Minh
The UK deliver its ODA budget primarily through the Department for International Development (DFID). DFID bilateral ODA is being phased out from India (the largest recipient of DFID bilateral aid in 2010/11). From 2015 onwards India will cease to receive UK bilateral aid. Highest priority sector in 2011/12: health (reproductive and maternal, HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other) at 22% Governance and security (18%), education (14%) and wealth creation (13%)
Objectives (UK DFID operational plan ) 1. Focus on India’s low income states 2. Improve the lives of over 10 million poor women and girls. The UK will invest in: girls’ education; safe birth, reducing violence against women; children’s health and nutrition,.. 3. Catalyse the private sector’s potential to combat poverty. 4. Deepen our engagement with India on global issues where there may be benefits for poor people elsewhere Motives: India is a key strategic partner to the UK and the largest democracy in the Commonwealth. Renew and deepen the partnership between the UK and India.
UK aid has improved people’s standards of living across 6 Indian states: over 170,000 people lifted out of poverty improved disaster coping capacity for over 80% of farmers improved access to natural resources for more than 95% of poor people improve access to food and water, higher income Criticized to have only modest impacts. The UK has officially decided to end all ODA to India by 2015 ‘to move to a new development relationship’.
Specific projects: Western Orissa Rural Livelihoods Programme (WORLP), funded by UK aid from DFID. Farmers were funded and advised on suitable farming practices, trees planted to prevent soil erosion… The DFID supported state health programme in Odisha helps combat malaria. (distributing bed nets, educating and raising awareness of health workers) (Odisha) 24% decline in malaria cases and 60% decline in reported deaths ( ) helps improve quality of life (reduce infant mortality and adult mortality)
Help half a million mothers deliver babies more safely Reach over three million children through nutrition programmes Number of pregnant women and under 5 children reached by nutrition programme: 8.6 million (2011) (Nutrition) Number of people with sustainable access to an improved sanitation facility: 26 million (2009) (Water and sanitation) Number of girls and boys supported by DFID to enrol in basic education (ages 6-14): 185 million in 2010 (Education) Number of additional girls and boys enrolled in junior secondary school (ages 15-16): 28.2 million (2008) (12.3 million girls) (Education) summaries-web.pdf