The story of NorthLight - Heartwork @ NorthLight
Creative Tension at Play Our Desired Future - where we want to be Supporting Systemic Structures (Theory of success) Opposing Systemic Structures (eg Limits to success) Our Current Reality - where we are 2 2
Current Reality: Deep sense of failure and hopelessness Angry parents -blame self and society May incur a social cost in the long run May become future low wage workers (Good morning NLS)
Profile of the students 55% has very low language proficiency 96% has a U grade for Maths 70% has low household income EQ profile - Intrapersonal skills , Interpersonal, skills adaptability, stress management, general mood. Lowest in Interpersonal skills and general mood.
Questions asked: How will the society view NLS? Will there be parents who wants to send their children to NLS? Will there be teachers who want to come and teach? Is a centralised model the best option?
“Good to Great” by Jim Collins First Who then What Hedgehog concept Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz
Mission Vision Motto Values - staff , parents, students’ creeds
Theory of Success The theories drive our strategies, decisions and actions. Why do we need to make it explicit? Question the mental models and assumptions underlying our theories to see if they are valid.. Ensure that our strategies and actions have coherence A valid theory of success is a reinforcing loop – it is a virtuous cycle that is self-sustaining. Identify potential obstacles which prevent our theory of success from taking off on a sustainable basis.
Northlight’s Theory of Success Quality of Results Quality of Relationships Quality of Collective Thinking Quality of Plans & Actions Quality of Conversations Reinforcing Cycle (This theory of success is adapted from Daniel Kim’s core theory of success for organisations) The above core theory of success is one of NorthLight’s key success loop. It reflects our assumptions about what will enable NorthLight to create its desired results. It shows a self-reinforcing loop with the following variables: 11
A Core Theory of Success (cont’d) Quality of Results “What do we want to create together in this school? Why is this important and meaningful? ” Quality of Plans & Actions . “What high leverage actions do we need to take to reach our desired future?” Quality of Collective Thinking “Do our team members understand where we are going, why we are going there and what we need to do to get there? Is there synergy among the different departments and individuals in the NorthLight team? ” Quality of Conversations “Do our conversations give life; do they encourage ownership and commitment?” 12
NorthLight’s Operational Theory of Success In additional to the core theory of success, NorthLight also has an operational theory that drives many of its teaching, learning and character development strategies: Student’s level of hope Tastes/ Experiences of success Student’s Motivation to Succeed Confidence Performance The theory goes as follows: When our students taste success, their level of hope go up. As their hope goes up their motivation to succeed increases. This leads to better performance and higher confidence. These in turn causes them to experience more success. The success loop is in operation!
NorthLight Overall Theory of Success Rebranded Identity Redefined Success Relevance, resilience Attract believers Quality of Results Trust, not fear Resources Quality of Actions Quality of Relationships Our mission and vision Quality of Planning Quality of Collective Thinking Our values NorthLight Overall Theory of Success
Pattern of Behavior of Variables in Theory of Success The variables in success loops experience exponential growth or decline. It usually takes time for the results to show initially, as this is when the initial actions to start the success loop are made. After this initial period we will experience exponential growth or take off. Slow Fast Time Desired Outcomes In NorthLight’s case, we have experienced faster than expected results in terms of our students’ motivation, character and performance. 15 15
Limits To Growth In NorthLight, Clarity of what we want in our staff and students Theory of success to reach our desired outcome. As our success loop grows, more resources will be needed. As the resource is fixed, the resource gap (or availability) falls. This declining availability may retard the growth of one or more variables in the success loop. This is very real in NorthLight as we have experienced faster than expected growth in our desired outcomes. As we go into our third year of operation, we need to be aware of what our limits are, organisationally and individually, so that we can anticipate them and take corrective action. Only then can our results be sustained in the long term in a life giving way. 16 16
2009 : 1 learning journey/ term; Fixed attachments 2007 – 80 visitors, 23 attachments 2008 – fixed 2 school learning journeys/ term ; 83 groups visited; 53 attachments 2009 : 1 learning journey/ term; Fixed attachments
NorthLight – Success Redefined (What we want to grow more of) Relationships and Team Spirit (7) Empathy and Acceptance (7) Perseverance (7) Belief in the NorthLight Cause (6) Passion and Commitment (5) Others – Humility, Courage, Integrity, Attendance
Success Redefined For Graduating Class - World – ready - Work- ready - Character (eg resilience, focus, on task, sustain in job) - IT proficient - Continued connection with NorthLight through WDA – funded courses, alumni
Sustaining our Passion, Staying the Course “What is needed, individually and collectively, for us in NorthLight to sustain the progress made in our first 2 years, and replendish our passion and energy on a sustainable basis?”
What Organisational Limits do we need to be aware of? Size of Organisation and Impact on Communications Resources – Time, Finance, Manpower Competencies Bureaucracy vs Flexibility Family Support for students
Sustaining Our Passion, Staying the Course What will enable me to deepen relationships, be more empathetic and accepting – of myself and one another in the team (staff and students)?
“A bird sings not because it has the answer, it sings because it has a song”