in search of Modern Roses in a Diverse World is there one profile in modern youth's interests in science which contrasts profiles in other societies? IOSTE, July 2004, Lublin, Poland Camilla Schreiner, PhD student, University of Oslo
2 School science Western societies students' dissatisfaction falling recruitment connected to modernisation of societies?
3 Youth's view science educators know and understand bridge our (different) goals youth's horizon bridge - not adopt or embrace describe and understand Modern Roses in a Diverse World
4 Outline 1.focus 2.'modernity' 3.selection of countries 4.empirical findings 5.conclusion and discussion
5 Focus in search of Modern Roses in a Diverse World one profile in modern youth's interests? the role of sex focus on differences precautions & reservations... robust findings not one non-modern profile not understand the non-modern profiles
6 The term 'modernity' modernisation, modernity, pre-, late-, post-modern modern antonym: traditional, non-modern ≠ old-fashioned ≠ out-dated
7 Young modern mentality shaping their own identity and their own life – disconnected from societal matters care for others, democracy, environmental protection, societal participation, social and ethical values 'living a life on one's own', self realisation post-materialism narcissism vs. post-materialism
8 Key processes in modernisation formation of nation-states industrialisation capitalist development democratisation technologisation, increasing role of s&t urbanisation larger proportion employed in industry & service vs. agriculture commercialisation, market orientation rise of mass media secularisation de-traditionalisation fall of 'grand narratives' individualisation globalisation
9 Sampling of countries 13/24 extremes of modern–traditional ranking: modern: North-Western Europe traditional: Philippines and Africa various dissimilar countries
10 Country ( ) Urban. % HDI 2004 (H/M/L) % GDP agr (ind/sev) Norway75.96 (H)2 (43/55) Iceland92.94 (H)11 (26/63) Sweden83.95 (H)2 (29/67) England (UK)89.94 (H)1 (29/70) N Ireland (UK)-"- Uganda14.49 (L)43 (19/38) Lesotho28.49 (L)17 (44/39) Ghana38.57 (M)35 (25/39) Zimbabwe35.49 (L)19 (25/57) Philippines59.75 (M)16 (31/53) Japan79.94 (H)2 (32/66) Trinidad &74.80 (H)2 (43/55) Greece60.90 (H)8 (24/69)
11 SamplesN age guidelines followed Norway1204 Iceland618 Sweden746 England (UK)1266 * N Ireland (UK)832 ÷ Uganda758 ÷* Lesotho467? Ghana782 (50% urban) Zimbabwe533 ?÷?÷ Philippines4434? (TIMSS) Japan560? Trinidad &638? Greece547 has followed the sampling procedure described in the ROSE handbook ÷ has not followed the sampling procedure ? has yet not written the report on how the study was organised * low response rate
12 Question ACE (108 items)
What I want to learn about
globallocal Environmental protection (girls and boys)
Environmental protection (global)
Environmental protection (local)
Space (girls and boys)
Philosophy, mysteries, wonder
Human body and health
Hullabaloo powder & shot natural events
Science in society (girls and boys)
Science in society
Everyday relevance (girls and boys)
Everyday relevance
41 of ACE: calculate 'distances' between countries gives clusters of countries similarities and differences between countries Cluster analysis
42 Clustering countries
Summing up modern girls:
Summing up modern boys:
Summing up neither modern girls nor boys:
Changing context (human biology) A43. How the ear can hear different sounds A33. The effect of strong electric shocks and lightning on the human body A34. How it feels to be weightless in space A40. How to exercise to keep the body fit and strong C13. Why we dream while we are sleeping, and what the dreams may mean
47 Conclusion a modern Western profile! modern youth are less interested! various contexts stimulate interests from various groups of students
48 Discussion perspectives from youth research deepen our understanding? bridge science education? (understand and bridge - not adopt or embrace)
Discussion shaping their own identity and their own life – disconnected from societal matters care for others, democracy, environmental protection, societal participation, social and ethical values narcissism post-materialism lower interests higher interests
50 the ROSE study...
51... in search of Modern Roses in a Diverse World