879 Productions Presents Copyright 2000
Alcohol, Drugs & Driving with Officer Darin “Crash” Leonard
Greene County Prosecutor’s Alcohol Policies (July 1999) Persons who have alcohol and are under age Persons who have “fake I.D.’s” Adults who provide Alcohol to minors
Possession of Alcohol or False Identification by Minor 1st Offense- Pre-Court diversion program (no prior offenses) Cost is approx.. $100-$150 Includes, risk assessment, referral to treatment MADD presentations, victims of Offenders Class is held on Saturdays ( 8 hours ) Must be attended all in full ( 8 hours at one time )
Possession of Alcohol or False Identification by Minor 2nd Offense- $500 fine 30 days in County Jail 40 hours of community service 2 years unsupervised probation Abuse & Lose if applicable (drivers licensed suspended)
Possession of Alcohol or False Identification by Minor 3rd Offense- $500 fine 90 days in County Jail 2 years supervised probation (report weekly) Abuse & Lose if applicable 10 days in County Jail (shock time) Subsequent Offenses- serve actual jail time of up to one year
Adults who Provide or Purchase Alcohol for Minors 1st Offense- $500 fine 6 months in County Jail Successfully complete alcohol awareness program (at your cost) 2 years unsupervised probation 5 days in County Jail (shock time)
Adults who Purchase or Provide Alcohol to Minors 2nd Offense- $1000 fine 1 year in County Jail 2 years supervised probation (report weekly) 15 days in County Jail (shock time) Subsequent Offenses- serve actual jail time of up to one year in County Jail
Field Sobriety
Implied Consent When you get a MO driver’s license you enter into an agreement with the State. At the request of a Law Enforcement Officer you must provide a sample of your breath, blood or urine. If you refuse- You will lose your driver’s license for ONE YEAR.
Alcohol Related Driving Statistics for Springfield, MO Driving While Intoxicated Arrests Driving While Intoxicated Fatalities
D.W.I. Arrests Arrests- average of 18 per week Arrests- average of 21 per week Arrests- average of 33 per week Arrests- average of 29 per week Arrests- average of 42 per week.
D.W.I. Fatalities Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths
In 1998 one person under the age of 21 was Killed in an alcohol related accident every 4 Hours National Highway Transportation Safety Administration
Zero Tolerance Stopped by Law Enforcement Officer. Under the age of 21 years. Suspected of drinking intoxicants. You must provide sample of breath, blood or urine. If your BAC is.020 or more loss of license. Refusal to provide sample, loss of license.
Abuse & Lose Under 21 and convicted of any of the following items you will lose your driving privileges.
1. Alcohol related driving offense 2. Possession or use of Alcohol while driving 3. Possession or use of Drugs while driving 4. Fake identification 5. Repeat offender under 18 years of age 6. Violation of any Law relating to alcohol or drugs
Springfield, MO D.W.I. Forfeiture Law
Forfeiture Law If your driver’s license is suspended or revoked for an alcohol related offense. If you have a prior alcohol driving conviction The car you are driving is subject to forfeiture. Car is impounded until a hearing is held. Car is auctioned and proceeds go to the Springfield R-12 School District.
Thanks to the following Greene County Prosecutor KOLR 10 NHTSA Springfield Police Department You for attending… God Bless & Be Safe