UT Flag Football Officials Training Penalty Enforcement
The 4 Ws of Penalty Enforcement WHOfouled WHATwas the foul WHENwas the foul WHEREwas the foul
Types of Fouls DEAD BALL o occur during a dead ball either between downs or before the snap LIVE BALL o Occurs during a live ball simultaneous with the snap and before the ball becomes dead by rule
Types of Plays LOOSE BALL o Action during a punt o Action during a legal forward pass o Action during the run or runs that precedes such legal pass or kick RUNNING o Any action that is not a loose ball
Penalty Enforcement Terms PREVIOUS SPOT where the ball was last snapped END OF THE RUN where the player loses possession of the ball or the ball becomes dead in player possession SUCCEEDING SPOT where the ball would next be snapped if a foul had not occurred SPOT OF THE FOUL where the foul occurred
Penalty Enforcement Terms DOUBLE FOUL when both teams commit live ball fouls MULTIPLE FOULS when two or more live ball fouls are committed by the same team CLEAN HANDS if each team fouls during a down in which there is a change of possession, the team last in possession may keep the ball, provided that their foul is not prior to the final change of possession, and they decline all live ball fouls
Multiple Fouls MULTIPLE DEAD BALL FOULS o are administered separately and in order of their occurrence o A dead ball foul is not coupled with a live ball foul or another dead ball foul to create a double or multiple foul MULTIPLE LIVE BALL FOULS o When multiple LIVE BALL fouls are committed by the same team, only one penalty may be chosen except for a foul for unsportsmanlike conduct occurs. o In this case, the unsportsmanlike conduct foul is administered as a dead ball foul.
Penalty Enforcement Timeline What occurs on every play?
Penalty Enforcement Timeline SnapEnd The SNAP - start of the play the END of the play AND
Penalty Enforcement Timeline SnapEnd Penalties that occur during the time period from the END of a play to the SNAP of the next play are enforced as DEAD BALL penalties. DEAD BALL Penalties - Whistle and Flag DEAD BALL Penalties - Prior to the Snap F - False Start I - Illegal Snap E - Encroachment L - Leaving Field wrong side D - Delay of Game S - Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Penalty Enforcement Timeline SnapEnd DEAD BALL Penalties are always enforced from the SUCCEEDING spot - the next place the ball will be snapped. DEAD BALL Penalties after the play UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT
Penalty Enforcement Timeline SnapEnd Penalties that occur simultaneous with the snap are enforced as LIVE BALL penalties. LIVE BALL Penalties - Flag ONLY, NO Whistle X Simultaneous with Snap Penalties M - Illegal Motion I - Illegal Substitution S - Illegal Shift H - Have min. # of players on line A - A player must be w/in 15yds of ball b/t whistle and snap P - Illegal Participation S - Illegal Snap - player must be 2yds back to receive snap
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Snap What type of play ALWAYS occurs after the snap?
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Snap A RUNNING play. RUN
Penalty Enforcement Timeline What 2 things could occur after a RUNNING play? Snap RUN
Penalty Enforcement Timeline 1. Flags are pulled - END of Play Snap RUN End
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Penalties that occur during a RUNNING play are enforced from the END of the run if on the DEFENSE OR Snap RUN End the SPOT of the FOUL if on the OFFENSE and the penalty is behind the END of the run. AKA “Screw the offense.” If not, enforce from END of the run. X
Penalty Enforcement Timeline 2. A Forward Pass Snap RUN Forward Pass As soon as the forward pass is released, there is a LOOSE ball play. LOOSE AND
Penalty Enforcement Timeline The RUNNING play prior to the Forward Pass now turns into a LOOSE BALL play Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Therefore, any penalties that occur BEFORE the pass Snap RUN X Forward Pass
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE or AFTER the pass are enforced as LOOSE Ball Penalties. From the PREVIOUS SPOT if on the DEFENSE XX or OFFENSE, unless the OFFENSE foul is behind the PREVIOUS SPOT, enforce from the SPOT of the FOUL AKA “Screw the offense.”
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE *** EXCEPTION *** Roughing the Passer Foul occurs during the RUNNING play before or during a forward pass, X however, it is ALWAYS enforced from the END of the RUN if there is a catch. If not, it is enforced like all LOOSE ball plays - from the PREVIOUS spot
Penalty Enforcement Timeline What 2 things could occur after a Forward Pass? Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE
Penalty Enforcement Timeline 1. An INCOMPLETE Pass - END of play Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE End Incomplete OR
Penalty Enforcement Timeline 2. A Catch Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE Catch
Penalty Enforcement Timeline What type of play ALWAYS occurs after a catch? Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE Catch
Penalty Enforcement Timeline A RUNNING play. Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE Catch RUN
Penalty Enforcement Timeline What ALWAYS occurs after this RUNNING play? Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE Catch RUN
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Flags are pulled - END of Play Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE Catch RUN End
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE Catch RUN End Penalties that occur during a RUNNING play are enforced from the END of the run if on the DEFENSE OR the SPOT of the FOUL if on the OFFENSE and the penalty is behind the END of the run. AKA “Screw the offense.” If not, enforce from END of the run. X
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE Catch RUN End In conclusion, there can only be 2 types of enforcements on a play and they both could happen on the same play if there are multiple fouls. LOOSE ball enforcement ONLY if there is a legal forward pass AND RUNNING play enforcement only IF there was a catch OR there was no pass. XXX
Penalty Enforcement Timeline Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE Catch RUN End Snap RUN End Snap LOOSE Forward Pass LOOSE End Incomplete
Special Enforcements HALF THE DISTANCE A measurement may not be taken more than half the distance from the enforcement spot to the offending team’s goal line. All 10-yard penalties inside the 20-yard line and all 5-yard penalties inside the 10-yard line LOSS OF DOWN Fouls committed by the offense that result in the team’s failure to repeat the down. Illegal Forward Pass, Pass Interference, Tied Flags AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN Fouls committed by the defense that give the offense an automatic first down Pass Interference, Roughing the Passer, Tied Flags
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